
That's a pretty lame opinionated answer.

Thanks. Got it.

Since Democrats already took that name.

Sorry, I meant RINO

You're a what?

The other 43.4% was David Dewhurst, also a Republican , whom also supported defunding Obamacare by the way, though he probably would not have blocked the vote. So your logic of the 43.4 % does not make sense.
Ted Cruz is not a democrat, therefore he would vote according to his elected position and what his state wants

So, for one, the sub prime crisis was not created by Bush. As for debt, Bush inherited a $5.7 trillion debt, which became a $10.6 trillon debt. As for ISIS, it seems like Obama and Bush both contribute to that failure. I am not a Bush fan, but some of what you are posting are easily researched to be false against him

I concur. The Republicans lost the 2nd Election cycle on purpose I believe against Obama as the Republican party was/is split now. That was due to LOT of Conservatives not believing that Romney was a Conservative…It forced me to vote for the Independent at the time, as nobody I liked was running.
The RNC Plan this time

What you say goes both ways. I didn't vote for Bush, and didn't like him. Both Sides do it. If you consider all the Damage Obama has done, the Debt being increased $6.463 trillion, a 55.4% increase in the $11.657 trillion debt from when Bush was in Office… bad deals with other countries, IRS targeting Conservatives,

Mitt Romney would be a Guranteed Loss.

The other 43.4% was David Dewhurst, also a Republican , whom also supported defunding Obamacare by the way, though he probably would not have blocked the vote. So your logic of the 43.4 % does not make sense.
Ted Cruz is not a democrat, therefore he would vote according to his elected position and what his state wants

and with good reason. Conservatives asked that we not fund Obamacare, which was part of the Government funding and Texas voters voted him into Office to do just that. He lives up to his promises…It just ticked off the Rinos of the Republican Party.

Because, despite that what you hear is that "Corrupt politicians" and "Corrupt Media" Hate Cruz, his record is better than anybody running. If you don't know much about Cruz, or just listen to corrupt politicians, then usually you won't like him.