
I mean, they exist. But, as a Panthers fan, I just feel like they aren’t getting the beating they deserve ;)

also Andy Reid has not had a single losing season with the Chiefs since arriving a year after they went 2-14. they’ll take that every time.

I...I don’t really need to explain “small sample size bias” here, do I?

is the implication that teams should make hiring decisions based on a single quarter of football?

As opposed to loose and baggy sarcasm.

Nerd alert.

You handled that with class. Never say Kevin Draper isn’t a professional.

Steve Bannon looks like the right wing nut job who is going to dictate policy for the next 4 years because the left smugly made fun of Trump’s appearance instead of running a campaign that appealed to voters who cared more about things that mattered to them than a person’s appearance, many of whom are old and ugly

The existence of a coach named Jeff Fish implies the existence of a coach in the NFL named Jeff Fishest.

He looks like he saw a black man on a boat.

Exactly. And as such, the team shouldn’t have to pay for a player who can’t perform. Unless that inability comes as a direct result of his employment. Busted leg while turning a double play? Paid. Busted leg while skiing? Good luck. Hit in head with fastball and killed? Here’s a check. Drive Jeep off cliff?

I loathe Trump with the fire of a thousand burning suns, and it sickens me he’s in a position of power, but the day I give a shit what the pro athletes of my teams think in terms of politics is the day I stop watching sports. These guys ain’t smart or worldly, that’s not why I watch them.

Sure thing, bub - as soon as your daddy takes it out of his mouth.

unsettling proportions

This one would probably work.

Sure it sucks, but I still use it all the time when I’m out of town. What am I gonna do, just decide a place looks OK and walk in like a fucking psycho?

Though I’m of the opinion that those who can’t make jokes make puns, and those who can’t make puns post memes, who really cares if some internet commenter’s humor is not your cup of tea?

lolwut. travis kelce doesnt get 1/10 the publicity positive or negative of those guys. he plays tight end for kansas city - should anyone care? cam newton won a heisman trophy in a season proclaimed by some as the best by a qb in cfb history; last season he won nfl mvp and this year he crashed and burned. obj has had

The best part of Trump winning...the very best part...is the unbelievable wave of butthurt pouring out of the liberal internet snowflakes that can’t fathom the fact that somebody they dislike had the audacity to win. I’m still kayaking on the tidal wave of liberal tears. So delicious.