
Purdue ran a spread offense with Brees, but a spread offense is simply an offensive system that attempts to create seams in the defense and favorable matchups by forcing defenders to spread out through the use of 4- and 5-wide receiver sets and usually (but not always) wider-than-normal splits between offensive

He was talking about his preference for starting a game rather than pitching as a reliever

Bryant’s smile as that final ground ball rolled to him was priceless.

feel like i’ve heard this before.

Trebek: “A Cleveland esteemer.”

Wes Anderson movies are awful.

Must be nice to be an attractive girl.

Oh for fucks sake, stop it with your bullshit recreational outrage. What I and most normal people see here is a display of pride in one’s team, not “cultural appropriation”. You’re the one slinging around racist terms such as “blackface” and “redface”, where this is clearly just a dude that is happy as a motherfucker

Yeah. Can’t wait for them to die so we can live in your transgender utopia.

Is this sports?

The fact that this article suggests LaStella and Alcantara as suitable alternates, in place of Baez, let’s me know all I need to. It also states his defensive prowess is “surprisingly strong.” From everything I ever read/heard/saw about Baez, his defense was never in question.

I just don’t see how anyone would have

On the insult scale, how does goofus compare to gickhead, gork or gouchebag?

My interpretation is that Belichick just wanted to bitch about the tablets without trash talking his co-worker.

Wait a sec—is that really a blazer sweatsuit?

He would’ve gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for those pesky kids and that fancy dog of theirs...

Deadspin Editor: Hey Billy, did you go to that concert on Thursday?

I know everyone needs a take nowadays so I get the article, but I don’t think he panicked at all. Scherzer gave up the homer, the idea that nothing had changed is false. Now it’s a tie game and his mindset as a pitcher has changed. Maybe he’s fragile and emotional and Dusty knew he needed to go elsewhere to save the

No cause Ho’s be Ho’s. I;m related to a professional athlete and there is a never ending stream of women who will go “under agreement.” Meaning, its all implied and understood that they come over for only one reason; to pleasure all the men the Star asks them to and in any manner he asks. No relationship, no dinner

“the history of big men with foot problems is not full of happy endings”