These are the best kit cars.
These are the best kit cars.
If you haven't gone to Mullin Auto Museum in LA, I suggest you go. You're instantly surrounded by expensive, beautiful cars. Women... not so much.
Stayed up for the whole 24 hours and I gotta say, I've never felt so many emotions. This was the race to watch this year. Congrats to both Audi and Corvette! Just goes to show you, it's not over till it's over. 13 second difference, nearly crapped my pants.
No no no no :(
The dumbest invention isn't really an invention. It's a law. Making our driving exams/drivers ed. soo easy. Anyone these days can get a license, and that scares the crap out of me. Some of these other inventions are stupid, but they can't be as stupid as some people behind the wheel.
Saved every single image. Ten minutes well spent.
Trick question.. All have a level of 'cool' in my book.
False advertisement! Everyone knows woman can't parallel park...
Hoon of the day
Or boyfriend.. with a car like that you never know..
Sold. Do ya think they'll do financing?
Anyone know that city?
how do you spell the sound horses make? I have a feeling that's what she sounds like..
looks like he ate hammond...