
Naturally I couldn't consider articles I haven't read when commenting here.

How old are you?

The opening of MoS on Krypton was spectacular. And the soundtrack is some of Hans Zimmer's best work IMHO.

Let's stop please. We're getting into a battle of what opinion vs bias vs agenda means. You see opinion, I see bias. Agree to disagree.

Have you seen Batman v Superman? Have you seen Watchmen? Are they really similar other than being directed by the same guy?

Well, I stand corrected.

"'Bias' is when someone has a specific agenda that makes them incapable of judging something on its merits. "

"“MMMBop” has staying power because its lyrics are deeper than you’d expect"

Because showing your bias so early and inelegantly in the article can turn-off readers.

Hardly. Maybe for the article's writer though.

"Zack Snyder, of faithfully butchered Watchmen fame"

Really? Name another best show currently on that no one is watching.

Easily the best show currently on that no one is watching.

Do you want me to come Fran? I'll come over Fran.

It'd be the most intense 0.36 seconds of their lives.

"though the show, obviously, is not perfect"

Don't tease me.

Pretty sure he was also in Black Books as the shipping forecast announcer.

While the best Walking Dead series still remains Z Nation.

There's a young girl called Madonna,
I've got a real crush on 'er,
I want to buy her a Doner
Kebab and make her mine.