
The stuff with Daisy is, thankfully, minimal. They realised a while back that Bobbi is a much more entertaining character, especially when combined with Hunter.

Not really. AoS had a shit first season and then became a different show in the second season.

Dunno about work, but probably not safe if your girlfriend/wife catches you scrolling through photos of a hot redhead.

Have they tried Better Call Saul?

I keep seeing reviews (like this one) that say the show is a jumble, a mess, with too many characters and doesn't know what it wants to be.

Who says season 2 is great?

Nah, it took ages to set my brightness just right at 82%.

Google Amy Yasbeck.

And this is why The Mask is the greatest superhero of all time.

It's not just Apple. Everyone's doing it now.

It might feel right, but then the colors are wrong.

I'll have a cup of Cupertino thanks.


"Need any more proof that Rumplestiltskin is Once Upon A Time’s best character?"

Judging by how hipsters dress, 20 is the new 50.

Watch Better Call Saul for the characters.

And they're not winning any Oscars either.

golf fap?

Forget selective memory, this show has selective continuity.

I've seen every episode of this show and I'm struggling to put a face to the name.