"China has an established genre of patriotic "red games" that always have the Chinese winning. Then again, so do many other countries, including the U.S."
"China has an established genre of patriotic "red games" that always have the Chinese winning. Then again, so do many other countries, including the U.S."
What an amazing piece of vague blanket law, with that section you can pretty much lock up anyone for just about anything. So sad i lived to see this day.
It's not cool to be a dick, but you should be free to be one if you want to be.
I don't agree that his comments were "messed up" in the slightest. It was clearly not serious, clearly had no meaning behind it aside from releasing a bit of rage, and the fact that he got punished at ALL outside of "Don't do it again" is absolutely ridiculous.
Microsoft rode in on a golden lion carried by the slimiest publishing executives. They then announced that they don't really give two shits about consumers or indie devs.
"greatest President" HIGHLY debatable. We are talking about the President that waged war against fellow Americans to expand the reach of the Federal government.
Another one of these eh? If you've ever had a job literally anywhere, you would know that there are always these guys. Hell, I've been that guy. The "grass is always greener" guy. Seriously, the videogame industry is not one about making money unless you're a CEO. Every person knows this. We watch several well known…
Microsoft did not confuse anyone with the XBOX One. We all understood clearly that it sucks.
When I originally pitched writing this piece to Kotaku, I was a bit worked up. I had read some of Kotaku’s coverage…