Story is the weakest part of the MGS series???? Lol everyone complained that the games had TOO much story for them to handle. Who the f wrote this? lol
Story is the weakest part of the MGS series???? Lol everyone complained that the games had TOO much story for them to handle. Who the f wrote this? lol
Sorry to sound indifferent, but the venezuelans brought this on themselves by voting for Chavez and his shitty protege Maduro. They have NO substance to their political rhetoric, and their platform lies almost entirely on a provocative, anti-American stance. It's up to the venezuelans to vote with their heads instead…
Hey, brazillian here, and i can give some ligth on our case. The model and her bf were at the beach, and someone recognized she and started to rec on cellphone. Then, they started kissing, and makign out, and touching it other and, well, things get out of control. Of course the video ended on youtube, and then she…
No lie, when I was reading that part, the only thing I could think of was the amazingly bad experience that ffxiii was and how that sort of mentality is a facilitator of the debacle it was.
Actually what you are saying is well known criteria for long term attraction.
Or maybe you have been shamed for so long for liking women who aren't argumentative or bitchy (despite having a deep need for that) that you don't even realise it.
I don't know if that has much to do with the size of the country.
People have always been stupid. The Internet just made it more obvious.
Just like those "gangsters" posting pictures of their guns and drugs on twitter and then having SWAT kick down their door the next day and hauling their dumb ass off to prison. I swear, for all the resources and endless fountains of knowledge the internet can provide, it has somehow made people stupider. I fear for…
Sorry, every link I post with the image in it just posts the downscaled image and not the link.
If you are really so upset about these factory conditions, then how are you even able to access the internet? I mean, if you really care that much then you wouldn't use any electronic devices, wear much of the available clothing styles, or drive any car at all.
It was the only possible way to make him more powerful.
The Gamecube was doomed because it was the only console at the time that couldn't be used as a DVD player. Plus, Nintendo's abstainment from the online multiplayer revolution meant that a lot of multiplatform titles arrived on Gamecube with half the game missing, if they arrived at all. Also, the controller was total…
Wow, The Last Supper is very impressive. The manga inspired ones are really good too, but Jesus takes/breaks the bread.
Errr, so this isn't really a "Forced to make PS4's" situation, so much as it is "Forced to make electronics. Some of which could have been PS4s, XBOX ONE's, Wii U's, iPhones, etc." situation.
>Chinese news reports state that the program was mandatory, and if they students did not participate, they would not receive their diploma.
Liberals are communists, you heathen Western-hating Muslim Nazi vegan gungrabber.
Am I the only one who didn't find this even remotely funny?
Screw 7 I want THIS one in HD...This one or IX.