
Some of this is crazy-making. Like does the recency bias cancel out the conservation bias or vice versa?

I think they just suss out the more courteous people to inflict their disorder on —- whatever their gender. There’s even a name for their condition: “speech urgency.” They have such a powerful, often anxiety-driven need to get their own words, experiences, and feelings out that it overwhelms their sense of propriety

I’m a woman, and I get cut off and interrupted by both men and women. I must be The Universal Audience" or something. Maybe it’s my affect. Or I have an “interrupt me” pheromone. I don’t talk endlessly; I barely get a word out when other people hijack the interaction with long-winded anecdotes and instructional

I love the Beverly Hilton. OK now I get to say that I stayed there when the movie I wrote was being filmed. I invited my whole extended family to dinner at Trader Vic’s and played the big shot. I sat out on the balcony of our room dangling my feet and feeling like life couldn’t get any better. Two years later I had to

When my daughter was in high school, I lost the fight against the temptation to peek in her diary. Okay, I took one anxious, stomach twisting sneaky read while she was running an errand and left it out. She had a sometime boyfriend who was fat —- I was sure they were just platonic because... well, he was fat (and I

It’s horrible for either sex to do what she did, but there’s something strikingly “unwomanly” and sadistic about her kicking children (it looks like she got that little girl in the crotch) and tripping a father running with a small, vulnerable child. She’s a real Rosa Klebb and would have found her true bliss as a

The issue here is not that the company failed its contractual agreement. It did. The question is one of damages, which would be “pain and suffering” associated with the clinic’s gross negligence. How damaged are these people, and how damaged will the child be throughout her life by being of mixed race? It’s really

He wasn’t far off, though, douche or not. He told the unpopular truths.

You may well be. Ghengis Khan himself was so prolific with his 500 concubines that males overall in the areas he conquered still carry his definable genetic imprint. About 0.5% of the world's population are descendants of Ghengis Khan.

My very incisive ex-boyfriend remarked that the most beautiful “blondes” are those who were born with dark hair. He said that “natural” blondes, of both genders, are not that attractive overall. They’re what my anthropology professor (politically incorrectly) called “northern European near-Albino.” Pallid, with

Given that he’s a European, maybe his next game could be something he’s closer to, like “Auschwitz Tetris” in which the players fill up a shower room with Jews, along with gays and Roma. Just think, it could be made even more challenging with the little children filling spaces between the adults. He’d grasp the

Hugs from me as well. There is a whole world of people out here sending thoughts of love and respect your way.

Oh are those babies cute!!!!!! They are actually smiling.

I hear your anger at the fact that Sheri Fink is so professionally connected that it’s her voice that defines (and it appears inaccurately in some ways—- I haven’t read it) the Katrina tragedy for a large audience. Her ability to leverage her original article has garnered high honors, but you can’t exactly blame her

Exactly. Your vagina is your "birth canal" so to flick that, she would need internal access. She may have flicked her mons veneris. That doesn't sound as hip as "vaj" tho. "She flicked my mons?" Nobody would even know what you were talking about. Maybe "she flickd my cooch?" That would make sense in a more general

We may be dealing here with not only a culturally but perhaps a biologically wired trait that females compete with each other for male attention. Natural selection is still at work in our species —- witness the territoriality and sometimes risible, sometimes tragic adolescent male competition for females. We’re just

She should keep trying. (BTW UC Santa Cruz is a gem.)

Your post is so full of inaccurate generalities and your own unsubstantiated impressions that it’s essentially meaningless. “Get a fucking life” is also a unimaginative, worn-out cliche based on absolutely no information whatsoever.

Here in California, a person who is drunk, drugged, unconscious or asleep cannot grant consent.

You sound like a great mother. Your daughters do you proud. And no, they certainly do not need sororities to succeed. I’m frankly astounded at all the attention paid to that system overall. (Of course I attended Berkeley in the early 70s, when sororities and frats were so irrelevant that they rented out rooms to