1.6 liter beater

That is awesome. He is living my dream. I love Porsche and my wife lives those. That will be me in a year! I would hate to see the repair bill after some rocks or trees come too close however. I wonder what junkyard parts he used to fix this up. I have never seen one in a yard. Are dif parts intetchangable with the

CP all day, beautiful car but ide rather buy 10 new ones at that price.

Personally I don’t see the need to connect to the car anyway, charge from the outlet and use an aux cable if you want your music. But even if I did connect I dont see it being a huge deal. Who is really going to go in an extract all the data, and what really gets stored like that. I don’t see it downloading my whole

Was the failed F1 engine the one that ended up in the Carerra GT? Also maybe just me but I see a little 917 there.

Taking advantage of the elderly and a vet is sickening. At the same time I’m uncomfortable with a 95 year old driving a new Camry never mind an old mustang. How often do we hear of “pedal mix-ups” and the sort.

It’s ridiculous. Motorcyclist should have minded his own business. She should not have been texting and driving but he shouldn’t be playing traffic cop either and he should be focusing on the road. Doing this could almost be as distracting as texting.

I think the best solution is to have a friend with a jet ski or rent one. I’ve owned one before and they get boring real quick. It’s strange because I never feel that way with a ski do or a motorcycle but jet skis lose there fun appeal after about 20 minutes.

The rear end is sexier, I’ll give you that. With all that talk of modular platforms a few years ago I don’t know why they don’t try with a electric drivetrain that has a few options for the body on it. Maybe a 2 seater “sporty” shell and a ultility body for flower delivery or some shit.

It’s quick enough with decent range but why is everyone but Tesla making the electric cars ugly as hell. Even the old GM EV1 looked better than this. It’s like they sit down and say, “how can make our electric car even uglier than shit econobox”. Or maybe they do it on purpose because of some oil company conspiracy.

Yeah, because that what’s wrong with our country and what Americans worry about every day?

Hummers were never a common vehicle, you may see one a week. The number of bland pre-recession Ford 150’s (or any other domestic 1/2 ton) seen in a day was and still is almost countless. It’s definitely become a part of Americana.

I actually agree, I kinda worded that wrong, I didn’t mean to convey it like. I think people have been too eager to focus on the fires and associating it with some of the telsa’s technology, such as the batteries, when in fact the batteries used are not that new and have long ago been proven pretty safe.

As an offshore fisherman I can understand how quickly things can go bad, sometimes it’s nobody’s fault, but if the claims are true about the ship having issues previously that weren’t worked out is ridiculous on the owners part. Lives lost and families without loved ones over owners taking shortcuts. I’ve seen it

My wrenching plans for this year are to hopefully teach my wife to drive stick and fix a few cosmetic/convenience items on our sentra(cracked grill,bumper, leaking trunk, leaky exhaust) so she has a reliable car when our baby comes and buy a cheap bike to fix up for myself, probably a smashed up gixxer or Sporster(I

Just like everywhere else in the world. Alot of people just aren’t considerate. I remember as a kid though, my dad would wouldn’t clear off the roof, he would warm up the vehicle then drive down our small street and slam on the brakes to try and throw the snow into a snowbank. The snow never actually launched, more

We’re not going to see that anytime soon. Hopefully these are less fire prone than the S. But seriously who sells a crossover ridiculously more expensive than their sporty model. You don’t see camaros being substantially cheaper than a Traverse.