1.6 liter beater

Ya I’m local, lived all over state, from North Shore originally but was on southcoast and now cape. One thing I’ve seen to notice in last few years is Staties have been alot better. At night if your in a pack safely doing 90-95 they dont seem to care. They also don’t seem to care if your going 10-15 over as long as

I had a ex500 that I got up to 125ish on 95 and that was scary as shit on that bike. I’ve cruised in cars going 130 all the way down 24 and rt3 at night completely comfortable. I guess if I got a bike that could do those speeds I’d get used to it. Looking at bikes right now. This time of year I can usually get a good

I’d hate to think at 170 mph.

I also apologize for calling them silly, that was a poor choice of words. Many things I like, others could call silly and visa versa.

Ok, fair enough

Is anyone else getting tired of these silly things on the FP?

Why can’t he just move alot of it to the lot he has across the street, that is in the different Township you mentioned?

Dont worry, it was obvious, or pretty obvious you were referring to rally.

Ya, or even hit the pole on the left side it’s all opposite, and UK people would be saying he would have died if car was was RHD

Did it ever happen?

What ever happened? Did you finish it? I think it’s awesome.

Dont, I didn’t feel bad when I had it before you. Just chalk it up to the game.

Can I too?


I wouldn’t put money on it. So few Evoras have been sold that used prices have been pretty firm. It’s only in the past 12 months that the early non-supercharged models are getting into the high 40s. A used 430 is going to be as rare as a unicorn fart.

Wow, that was a horrible choice of words, especially for something sexuality related.

I was thinking 93 before the split, but pike works.

Your mom never had a joke inside her?

What was? When it left the factory?