
I still miss the old Netware screen saver. As the server was under more load, the snake would get longer and move faster; it was a great way to be able to monitor basic server health from across the room.

Can I just say that the discussion here is a lot more civil than the one on gizmodo....

Come back next week for my next big post: "Old Operating Systems We Used to Use and The Landfills They Inhabit Now."

This poll seems bias. What if I do multiple kinds of workout? Jogging outdoors, weights at gym, and martial arts at facility?

I've heard that the HotelCalifornia site was difficult to leave.

Since you are a lifehacker author, I would be very disappointed if you had the newest tech. Why buy new things when your old things work just fine (if not better) with a few tweaks?

It is actually. I want some pizza now.

Google maps isn't ruining it... ;)


Well, if it's sliced into small pieces like proper food prepared for chopsticks would be then that makes sense to eat an apple with chopticks.


I got an AMAZING deal from Craigslist yesterday. I've been thinking about selling my MacBook Pro (late 2010 model 13") and applying the money plus some extra toward getting a Surface Pro 128GB. I had it up for sale for a week or so, had lots of nibbles but no solid bites. So night before last, I posted a different ad:

This is the only smart watch we need. It does my taxes.

Same idea, but also reverse image search on apartments and see where the photos pop up.


The 5th Element

The very same.

Yes, at least they did not inject them with praying mantis DNA. Now THAT would have been bad.

If my internet goes down do I blow in the cartridge?