
I’d prefer fewer features, better build quality, nicer materials, and high reliability.”

Yes. I was hoping for that. A friend of mine was (is, I guess you are one for life) a Marine. He can nap anywhere, anytime and actually get sleep; says this is a holdover from when he served. I was hoping for some of that wisdom.

I would say they are on phones 50% more.

Ads have be ‘fake’ since ads were invented. Influencers simply take the marketing firms out of the equation. Is that bad? Hell, it’s the most democratic form of marketing that I can think of (other than word of mouth). Infulencers annoy me. But so do most ads. The sky is not falling. Capitalism is not dying. Etc etc. 

We don’t live in a direct democracy. Do you personally vote on bills? Why not? Do you not think every voting American should have an app... they check it each morning and vote on any bill... to possibly make it law? That is the most direct democracy I can imagine. It also terrifies me.

No, if you infer that... then that is on you. What it STATES is that we have a process. If you participate in said process and don’t get the results you desired, don’t cry ‘the system is broken.’ It’s not. It functioned as intended. For every person wanting result A, there is a person wanting result B. Just because

That’s not what was stated.  The complaint was “I tried... didn’t get the result I wanted... so the system is broken.”  Yes, that is an immature attitude.  

Sure thing boss.  

I take issue with Oliver’s understanding of ‘strong as mule piss.’ I think the phrase is referring to the potency of the liquid itself, not the pressure/flow of the stream. After all, the phrase isn’t ‘strong as a mule pissing.’

My side?  What side is that?  The side that voted for Hillary and Obama?  That side?  Because that’s me.  My state’s electoral votes actually went for the candidate that I did NOT vote for in the past.  But guess what?  I don’t whine about it.  I have the intellect to understand the process... and don’t bitch about it

So, you are contributing to the demise of ‘contact your representative.’ Got it.

I’m sorry, but boo hoo. You didn’t get your way, so the system is broken. Can you imagine that there were actually people on the other side of the issue... who also called? Grow up.

Firstly, I completely agree with your point. Call your reps, not others. You make this point:

Yep. And by far, the biggest danger to blacks (especially black men)... is other black people. Fact.

Plot twist:  The guy on the phone is 35.  He’s got some city miles on ‘em.

Most articles with “X cost the US economy $Y” are complete bullshit.  With ridiculous extrapolation and hyperbole.  

I really dislike the use of ‘average’ new car price to justify car costs. Let’s look at the median price. The problem: google doesn’t know the difference between mean and median (or it thinks I don’t know).

Well, nevermind.

Well buddy, I think I have just proven my point.

To be fair, sarcasm does not translate well to print. And if you go into an article with a preconceived notion of either it being sarcastic or straight-laced... then that pretty much paints your perception for the entirety of the piece. I, for one, happened to read it as sarcastic, but let’s not talk down to those