1llamarampage will write again

I’m torn between posting a “Well that escalated quickly gif (because yikes) and an “English, motherfucker, do you speak it?” one (because that was the stupidest comparison I’ve ever fucking read).

Or - and this is just a stab in the dark - it’s to keep the dish safe for the gluten intolerant?

I don’t mind what he makes on the show, because a lot of the people on the show are depressed (I don’t mean as a real-life mental health diagnosis, just in the colloquial sense of not really fulfilling their potential, which can easily chicken-and-egg with actual factual Depression). When I’m depressed, I cook and eat

I DID NOT NOTICE THAT I assume Lisa is dead and the next podcast will be broadcast from hell.

She was saying on her podcast that she was planning on a) wearing something outrageous and b) showing up early, before any “bigger” stars got there, since sometimes when she goes to award shows she doesn’t get to walk the carpet and doesn’t get photographed. I think the dress is gorgeous and the purse is HILARIOUS,

That’s great that you, personally, are evenhanded and unbiased in your distribution of stupid, dismissive questions. They are still asked of female writers more often and with more vitriol, even if every male writer has also at some time been treated dismissively by stupid people.

Exactly. The question “Why should anyone care about your life?” hangs heavy above any woman who chooses to write about their own experiences in a way it just doesn’t for men, particularly white men. The answer seems obvious in the case of men - You don’t have to care, but I have to write. The question of why doesn’t

Everything you say about Minnesota is true. I moved here from DC a year ago, and I was surprised by two things in quick succession - How very, very white it is (culturally, not literally - Minneapolis is diverse enough, but white to its bones in every way that counts) followed by how well I, as a six-foot-tall woman,

It’s only anecdata and has never been rigorously studied, but anecdotally it’s long been supposed that women experience a surge in fertility in the years and months immediately preceding menopause. Although whether it’s a real fertility increase or just getting more careless because of the presumed loss of fertility

There are two foods I absolutely always have room for one more of - classic no-frills Taco Bell tacos (either shell), and sushi.

I don’t know how I got so lucky with my cat (my first ever). When I went to the foster/rescue to meet her, I sat on the floor of the room where she was being kept. “It might take her a little while to warm up to you,” the foster lady said. Or tried to say. She got about halfway through the word ‘while’ before the cat

Before I read that, I was 90% sure they were deep-fried slices of haggis. Which, controversial opinion - haggis is really tasty. Deep-fried haggis sits in the colon like a brick.

I mean, if it would really soothe you that much for people to qualify their statements by saying “There’s no compelling evidence” or “no strong evidence,” then fine, keep pushing for that semantic change. But I think you’re harping on a very silly thing, particularly when you phrase it as “eyewitness testimony is a

I graduated in 2008, and this is the reality I’m facing. After a rocky post-grad decade that included two stints where it was literally better to move abroad short-term to work, I’ve got a good career-type job, but I’m severely underpaid (and making 10k less than I was in my last dead-end job). The reality is that I’m

I mean, the idea that the chef “knows better” than you is at least part of the reason why you’re wearing pants and shoes (and possibly even a tie) in a restaurant the chef works in, and not scratching your balls through your boxers with the spatula while you wait for your grilled cheese to be ready to flip. That idea

If that’s a cliche, I refuse to back down until my own go-to work exclamation, “Jesus fuck,” get recognized as one.

The only real fight my best friend and I have ever gotten into was whether or not pizza boxes are recyclable. She’s otherwise a wonderful not-at-all-fucking-stupid person.

I was in middle school when Columbine happened. I was in high school in the D.C. suburbs when the Beltway Shooter was rampaging. I feel like I missed the cresting of this wave of enhanced security by miliseconds, and I feel so lucky that I did. In a really difficult teenagerhood, my beautiful high school campus with

Not all evidence carries the same weight.

Not only multiple reporters - every article I’ve read on this situation has included at least a few of these text messages. There’s no evidence of abuse in any that I’ve seen, and I doubt multiple news outlets are just sitting on the ones that do include such evidence.