1llamarampage will write again

I believe my previous comment made clear that napping is not a solution, Cletus.

It’s not nearly as tiresome as constantly having to explain what the Constitution actually says to someone whose only memory thereof is of the dream they were having while they dozed through middle school Civics class.

Sunday in DC is supposed to be in the high 80's, with nearly 70% humidity and thunderstorms in the afternoon. If there’s any justice in the world at all, they’ll all get heat stroke and then be hit by lightning.

Baked brie is one of my go-to depression meals, because it’s so easy and the reward-to-effort ratio is so high. I can’t wait to try this version for days when I actually have the mental spoons.

I’m super excited to see this film! My best friend has a small role in it, AND it’s about one of my favorite periods in history!

Believe it or not, it is the responsibility of every person to contribute to the financial support of the children they gave birth to or adopted, even if the other parent is wealthy. This situation shows exactly why everyone who shares custody should have a support agreement in writing. Rather than claiming he’s given

Because nothing looks as good in pictures as wearing a dress that matches the floor, as we find out every awards season when someone wears an unfortunately-matchy red dress to a premier.

Even worse than being unable to use the phone until you hit ‘Accept’ or ‘Decline,’ if you’re not “actively” using the phone but are still using the phone (like say, listening to a podcast through headphones), you don’t even get the ‘Decline’ option - the screen only shows the incoming number and your headphone output

That’s been happening in my office now, too - I work for the government and no one is allowed to give out our numbers, they’re supposed to be only for inter-office work. But all of a sudden I and several of my coworkers have been getting robocalls, or worse, call-backs from people who have been called by a robocaller

Isn’t it already airport-by-airport whether you keep your laptop in your bag? (Or your shoes and belt on, for that matter.) It feels like it’s almost day-to-day at my local airport, MSP. Last month, I flew out of there twice in one week, and one day I had to take my shoes off and my laptop out, and the other I was

“As needed” is functionally meaningless for someone who is new to the daily wearing of sunscreen, and I suspect it’s a matter of guesswork for everybody else as well. Assuming you’re rubbing your sunscreen in until it’s invisible and not leaving a greasy film over your whole face, you have no way of knowing when it’s

My most obvious proof that people are weird is the ways in which *I* am weird. I’ve been trying this summer to wear sunscreen on my face every day and all over my exposed skin when I’m going to be spending lots of time outdoors. But then when I read in the article “You have to reapply SPF throughout the day,” and

One of my best friends is in this film as an unnamed-but-speaking courtier, and I am SO excited to see it. He did say his costume tall boots weren’t real, just leather legwarmers over short boots, which was a disappointment to me.

The US certainly does “allow” dual citizenship. I work in Immigration and at no point do we force anyone to give up the documents that prove citizenship with another country - ANY other country. I don’t have the same interior knowledge about the immigration systems in other countries, but my best friend is an American

The total disbelief over people not drying their hands got me in this context, too. For one thing, drying one’s hands is easily the least-important part of the handwashing routine. For another, in SO many places, there’s no such thing as disposable paper products. In a lot of those same places, it’s hot and dry enough

Have you ever met people like this in real life? It’s the worst. I have a few friends who are otherwise terrific people, but their phobia of stirring conflict makes them really hard to deal with.

Just like you can be a happy person but have kidney failure, or be a content person who has heart disease, you can be a lighthearted person with depression. The happy person with kidney failure probably cries because of the kidney failure sometimes, because it’s painful and changes your life in ways that are hard to

I’d like to add to your current replies by noting that it’s not that natto smells bad, per se, it’s that it smells dangerous. Like, if someone next to you is eating natto, its odor is not going to bother you. But when you bring a bit up to your nose, the smell of its fermentation goes straight to the little primeval

I will argue that for the full week after anyone in your household has a birthday, ANY cake is breakfast food. One of the great delights of my childhood was having birthday cake for breakfast pretty much from early October until Thanksgiving (everyone in my family has their birthday within that month).

I can both be happy-go-lucky and have chronic depression. In fact, that’s how I think of myself - I’m a naturally happy person who also has depression. My normal baseline is content and easygoing, but with fair regularity my mental illness overwhelms that baseline personality and I have to deal with that, up to and