1llamarampage will write again

No one who managed a B-average through all four years of high school English is as talented as that.

In addition to the points already brought up, I’m not a lawyer but I’m pretty sure this idea runs afoul of the laws in the US regarding double jeopardy - you can’t be charged twice for the same crime. If someone attacks you once, and you seek a conviction on the basis of assault and battery and you win your case, I

I pray for the next fanfic-to-mainstream author to be one of the hundreds of incredibly talented writers I’ve known over the last 15 years, but at this point I don’t really hold out hope.

Lol if we’re gonna be weaning ourselves off of the “trash” for “still trash, but the good trash,” Anne Rice’s oeuvre is the absolute last thing I would suggest.

One of my British friends came to stay with me for a bit when she used her gap year to go north to south down the US east coast and then on to Mexico and South America. She was fucking delighted by how cheap and good avocados were here compared to the UK. And then she got to South America and lost her goddamn mind.

Obama is president, and Dove’s like: Every body is beautiful! Look at this conventionally attractive but slightly heavy professional model who uses our products! Aren’t we progressive!

Nothing says “I’m not the whiny bitch, YOU’RE the whiny bitch!” like writing your goddamn Master’s thesis whining about a group of strangers whose actions have no impact on you.

It’s always a tossup between “rich kid never had to learn a damn thing” or “the dementia is progressing rapidly.”

You’re never going to convict him - you’re not on his jury.

Lol I gotchu. For that, just read “It keeps the shoes from folding up without also and literally stabbing the wearer.”

If that happened, you’d see how quickly the Irish and the Italians went back to being non-white, or women started being blamed for taking men’s jobs when they should be making happy homes. Patriarchy and white supremacy both defend themselves in part by always having a scapegoat.

There are black and white supremacists. One group might be more widespread than the other, but guns are available to both of them.

You’re half right. We’ve had left and right shoes since almost as soon as shoes were invented (you can look at sandals from Egypt to confirm this.) Certainly in Europe they had differentiated left and right shoes. Then in the 1600's someone had the bright idea of inventing high heels - and technology couldn’t keep up.

That’s interesting. I don’t run much, but I’d like to start, and my body’s impulse is to run on the balls of my feet. I’ve always overcome it because I assumed (on no input from any professional) that if it wasn’t detrimental everyone would do it.

Next time I’m over on that side of the Atlantic, I’ll go with you. I love this shit so much that I’ve seen every episode of all 20 seasons of Time Team at least five times.

I’m so glad the cost of your plane ticket that one time (study abroad or, like, a pricy stag do?) covered you for life to be all over the comments section making blatantly racist comments while sneering “Wow, I guess you’ve never been to Asia.”

You are up in this comment section saying what needs to be said. The letter writer is describing a relationship that is on the verges of becoming an important relationship. In theory, it could become his most important relationship (although it’s obvious this couple isn’t going to get married, and lucky for her, it’s

Considering that most of the famously-whitewashed movies of recent years were whitewashed away from having Asian characters the source materials had, I’m going to take your very-confidently-asserted and not at all racist statement that “[Asians] think everyone is beneath them” with a grain of salt.

Also, “Everyone in my life is racist, even the ones I’m not related to, but I’m woke” is just not the strongest argument I’ve ever heard.

Especially given that it seems like everyone he knows is just super racist. Like, dude, maybe stop worrying about if she’ll be comfortable hanging out with your friends. Your friends are racist. She’s not going to be comfortable. How about you hang out with her friends, and then maybe I’ll give you some small credit