1llamarampage will write again

The sub-parness of the chicken is what’s getting me about this story (which I wholeheartedly believe). Astro’s Fried Chicken & Doughnuts is like, right by the White House! And there’s a Popeye’s on 14th Street, which I’m not saying it’s close but it’s not so far you couldn’t send some feckless intern, and Popeye’s

“Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas” has been an aphorism since at least the 1730's, so I don’t think that anyone gets to pretend surprise when keeping bad company leads to bad consequences.

Right? Like, Kaitlyn Olsen is a mom, and her show is too adult for most of the Teen Choice Awards teens (let’s be real, tweens, 19 year olds have student loans already and can’t possibly give a shit about this) to be watching. She’s one of the few people here whose outfit isn’t try-hard, but I’ve got no idea why she’s

So if you were arrested, you’d feel fine allowing a police officer of the opposite sex to remove your pants and underwear and leaving you to walk around like that in front of officers and other inmates of the opposite sex for more than a day?

The only wedding I ever went to that had a cake where I wanted more than one piece (chocolate cake with cannoli cream icing) did not have enough cake for me to have more of it. I would love a wedding where there was good cake and lots of it. If you ever do a vow-renewal, invite me.

Those cakes look amazing. I appreciate that you both provided the kind of cake that is actually good enough to want a second helping, AND enough cake that everyone can have that second helping.

Counterpoint - if someone in your family has talent, use it. I was at a wedding recently where the father of the groom sang a song he had written for his wife, about how they met when they both joined the Communist Party in the 70's and brought up their children to bring down the patriarchy and fight bourgeoisie

I haven’t been to a wedding that included a garter toss since my half-sister’s in the late 90's, and even then (and even at 13) I thought it was a real sign of her bad taste.

I can tell you this is true to life. I’ve gotten broken up with over my bisexuality (not infidelity, literally just the identity) more often than over the actually objectionable parts of my personality and behavior.

“Musk” has got to be right up there with worst-possible last names, right?

This was very much my take. The computer usage was a gross destruction of boundaries and reason enough to have a chat where the kid leaves embarrassed, but I probably wouldn’t bring the parents in. The use of the credit card crosses a line that would move my reaction if I were the homeowner from “disgusted” to

Right? I’m glad everyone’s doing the math on how fast the car might have been falling, because the look of the thing is just brutal.

I think there’s an interesting side-conversation to be had about pointless lives in ASOIAF/GOT. Like, Rickon Stark - why is he? For all that he ever did either in the books or on the show, he might as well have never existed.

I would love a sister-show to Drag Race that featured kings only. I think it would be hard to build a whole season’s worth of competitions with both drag kings and drag queens competing against each other (the primary motivation for both styles is the same, but the methods they use are so different, so how could you

Right? Like, of COURSE his condition affected his vote. All of us who want to protect access to healthcare are affected by our condition - our human condition in which we understand that people will get sick and should be able to get help when they do.

I dunno, if you were lucky enough to have $2.5 million and weren’t a moron, there’s some chance you’d be able to raise kids smart enough to get into Harvard on their own merits (and their extensive extracurricular portfolios and micro-perfected admittance essays, both of which that $2.5 would help with). I guess I

Good music and having fun are things that know no age.

I LOVE Blue Apron - I’ve been a subscriber for more than a year, and I hope it’s around to keep me fed for years to come. It’s so much cheaper than the constant round of eating out and convenience foods that it’s almost entirely replaced, and it feels nice to feel like I’m learning some skills. Last Christmas I made

You can recycle almost all Blue Apron packaging by printing a shipping label from their website and packing at least 2 weeks’ worth of packaging into one of the boxes they come in - you have to wash the packaging that came into contact with food, but you should be doing that when you recycle anyway.

In the same vein, he keeps whining to both these other leaders about how bad everything will make him look, like that’s what, their problem? Especially in the case of Peña Nieto, I can’t imagine a person on earth with more right to be uninterested in Trump’s self-made image problem.