1llamarampage will write again

Just FYI, modest dress for men is also a tenant of Islam, it’s just the ways that different cultures interpret those tenants, and primarily how avidly they’re enforced, that are inconsistent.

“Her outfit violates Saudi Arabia’s strict dress codes for women, which include covering their faces and heads with a black veil.”

A part of me that will hopefully never rise to the surface is really looking forward to denying access to the Trump-supporting economic migrants who will be “stealing jobs” in my town because of this.

Yes. They can do whatever they want with the other properties (Miss Marple could stand a high-quality reboot, IMO) but there is no reason to be remaking any Poirot titles, including Orient Express. David Suchet just finished adapting the final Poirot story a few years ago, and it’s not like anyone’s going to top his

Just another in a long, long line of actions that white people think makes them look free-spirited and instead makes it look like they never set foot in a schoolroom.

Also, being racist against Roma is just super weird - there’s only about a million of them in the entire United States. Most Americans have never met a person from this group, not that they’d know it if they did. Why even bother stirring up hatred against a group so small the country’s entire population could ride the

Please. The people playing that game know exactly which is which as soon as they get a peek at the speaker’s skin tone.

That was very much my feeling, but publicly-accessible restrooms are much less a thing in Prague than they are here, and the kid was like 5, so between the diaper-wearing and hold-it-till-we-get-home ages.

Well, a lot of Native Americans call themselves and prefer to be called Indian, I think you’ve gotta roll with the punches as people define themselves, you know? I think you call individual people what they ask you to call them, and the word for the people generally has pretty conclusively settled on Roma/Romani, or

Two years ago a new hire at my company got really loudly indignant in public in the lunchroom because her roommate had bought an “Indian” outfit to wear to her office’s Halloween party, and then her boss heard about it and told her she couldn’t wear it. In 2015.

It equally doesn’t mean they’re “economic migrants,” so how about you get your shit together before you start putting your dick all over the capslock at me.

I Lived Across the Street from a Roma Encampment for Years, and it was Fine just isn’t a great headline, but it’s true.

You should look up some laws yourself. Roma people are considered asylum seekers in the US.

Someone or something. We had a lush patch of tomato plants growing around our pool because the birds would carry the seeds over from our neighbor’s garden.

It’s super racist. A friend-of-a-friend who I only know about through Facebook has a kid named Gypsy, and it’s about as pig-ignorant as naming your child the n-word.

When male actors go nude for a role, they’re “daring” or “brave” or “honest.” When female actors do the same, it’s often billed at the time as a necessary cost of building a resume that will later be used as a stick to beat you with.

A land route of a thousand miles through South Sudan, again, one of the least-infrastructured and most violent places on earth. Forgive me if I don’t see the similarities between that and, lol, Canadian Club.

I agree with the first part of your statement, but as to the second I think it’s very possible to want to look your best on the day of a very serious cultural touchstone without buying in to “princess culture,” the “wedding industrial complex,” or any other string of words that basically means you are being sold a big

I don’t know why you think people in Sudan would have had a drink native to Tanzania (like, genuinely, from southern Sudan to northern Tanzania is like a thousand miles, plus you’re passing through some of the least-infrastructured parts of the world to make that trip, AND you’re crossing the very real cultural

Lady, don’t judge me for what I do with my old shits.