1llamarampage will write again

It’s particularly amazing because he did have to deal with a lot of particularly toxic fandom, above and beyond what most stars have to deal with - it’s not like he’s only ever reaped the benefits of having a large young female fanbase, he’s also been face-to-face with some of the repercussions of having a lot of

It literally says in the 3rd line that the church was built in the 11th century (and a brief googling reveals that it was actually pre-Norman) but I guess it’s easy to miss that sort of thing when you’re tripping over your own tongue to rush down to the comments and be disagreeable.

If it’s TRULY hermetically sealed, the contents may look more or less the way they looked when they went in - three lead coffins that were unearthed near my alma mater in the ‘90's contained bodies that were in pretty good shape when they were opened, although they crumbled immediately on exposure to the air.

I only bother to buy two things at duty-free every time I leave London: Pimm’s and Jaffa Cakes. And a single snack bag of Walker’s Prawn Cocktail chips, which I eat in the terminal. I’ve got the whole thing down to a science.

Pimm’s Cup is the greatest drink ever invented by man, and if I were ever bound to a handcart by an alcoholic narcissist super-spy, it would be my drink of choice for that occasion, too.

Aside from all the outcomes that don’t include any U.S. city being decimated by a foreign power, the outcome that would make me the happiest would be Russia deciding to target Mar-a-Lago because it’s where the President actually spends most of his time, so that most of the casualties would be people who voted for him

The club members probably knew about it before anyone else because he couldn’t stop from showing them what a Big Man he is by announcing his intentions to everyone who would listen.

I woke up at 4.30 this morning for no reason and couldn’t go back to sleep. I’ve been a sleepy grumpy zombie all day. Now I’m fucking WIRED and nervous and refreshing Google news like I’m a rat and the button fires a bolt straight to the pleasure center of my tiny rodent brain (it doesn’t, the button brings no

Considering that we’re at least nominally in a coalition with Russia against ISIS? And that because of that coalition, the Russians have been allowing us to like, fly our planes around their bases in Syria without just shooting them out of the sky? And given that the Russian military is entwined with Assad’s, such

And if we’d wound up exactly here less than 100 days into the Clinton presidency, I’d be nervous, but at least I’d know there was a foreign policy expert in the White House who would have other experts advising her on how to thread this incredibly dangerous needle. And the White House probably wouldn’t be a chaotic

The sorting by size issue drives me crazy. Their shoe section has been missing size 11 for at least three months now for absolutely no reason - they go from 10 to 12. It just seems so lazy and easy to fix if anyone gave a damn about doing things right.

I get what you’re saying but Sandi Toksvig is a goddamn treasure and so for her alone I will watch (even though I previously said I wouldn’t because Mel and Sue are irreplaceable).

I haven’t seen La La Land because I can’t imagine I’ll enjoy it, and Hidden Figures was great. For me, the absurd-to-the-point-of-upsetting snub/undeserved acclaim of this Oscar season was Arrival getting so many nominations for start-to-finish mediocrity while Loving, which is damn near the perfect film, while Loving

Sure, but with 26 Democrats, 2 Independents, and 9 Republicans up for re-election in the Senate, and most Congressional seats comfortably safe, the odds are slim. Remember also that “get out the vote” campaigning works both ways - the harder Dems work to mobilize their supporters, the more the Repubs will do the same.

I mean, maaaybe? Except that we’re certainly not flipping the House or the Senate in 2018 (the number of Democrats up for re-election in the Senate is far, far more than the number of Republicans, and they have a very strong House majority while gerrymandering makes it hard to flip more than a few seats) and that

Telling people they’re doing a good job is always worthwhile. Also, it’s worth noting that in a lot of cases, there’s a diversity of liberal opinion, so calling can help make your representatives aware of which of the potential stances you want them to take.

This is literally the first real emotion I’ve been able to feel since the Inauguration.

As a movie about linguistics, it was fine. As a movie about Universal Human Truths, it was absolutely middle-of-the-road, and as a love story, it was absolutely the most pastade on bullshit I’ve ever seen. Like, maybe you need the love story because otherwise you can’t have the child who is supposedly the linking

Lol no wonder you find the law a blunt instrument if you’re laborin under the delusion that the literal only options available are “allow parents to release tension by hitting their children,” or “everyone’s in foster care!”

Nothing you’ve said is wrong, but I was not put on this earth to spend time bending over backwards to find empathy for people who cannot themselves empathize with their own small children. Parenting is hard. Most people also have the choice not to do it.