1llamarampage will write again

I got fired early in 2016 and have spent the rest of the year looking for work, so 80% of my panic attacks this year (and 100% prior to November 8th) were related to looking for work, avoiding the process of looking for work, feeling extreme guilt over avoiding the process of looking for work, and worrying that I am

Also - with an acknowledgement that no one gets to demand anything of anyone, especially a stranger - how the HELL you gonna demand a woman shave her legs WHEN SHE’S WEARING PANTS. That is like, 90% of the purpose of pants, to make it so you don’t have to shave your legs! Like, sorry that you couldn’t achieve the

I tend to agree. Diamonds are fine - as accent stones. They’re the whipped cream of the jewellery world, not the pie that actually interests me. I can’t be messing with silver, though, since it’s not resizeable in rings and given my interest in pie I may one day be in the market to resize all my rings.

Lol, literally the worst date of my life included this person who was supposed to be trying to impress me instead trying to take me to task for my diamond ring (that was a Christmas gift FROM MY MOM) given that I’m also in development/hunger relief. I said “Oh, it’s Kimberley Certified,” and he was like “What?” and I

My mother, who is a jewelry fiend, once gave me a small olive-green fancy diamond for Christmas, and I asked to have it set as a solitaire in a white-gold band. I’ve worn it every day for almost a decade, on my left middle finger. If I ever get married, I’ve decided I’ll get the ring resized for the appropriate finger

I have spent more time this year looking determinedly at the ceiling breathing deeply, trying not to cry, than in any other year I remember. It’s probably in my top-10 activities for the last 12 months.

Keke and Gugu are two of the only women in this lineup who actually made the right choices for this event - a lot of the others seemed to think that they were going to the AMAs, which is weird when you’re going to the one event of the year when the men are going to be as spruced as possible - why choose clubwear when

Listen more carefully - there’s only 3 doubly landlocked countries, meaning countries that are landlocked by countries that are also landlocked. Liechtenstein is only normally landlocked.

I used to live there so I’m biased, but I’m a little put out that Sudan’s facts are not just connected to but seem inseparable from other countries’. Sudan has a weird and interesting history - for example, the city of Omdurman is home to a messianic sect of Islam whose founder inspired his followers to lay siege to

When I was studying hunger alleviation in grad school, the phrase “men with money drink and gamble, women with money feed their children” was uttered more times than I could count.

But, Bithynia, how can you say this without giving the OP a pat on the back for being so tolerant? Look at them, tolerating all over the place! They haven’t set anything on fire or thrown hardly anything, just sat there with a sneer on their face while people dare to behave in ways of which they so deeply disapprove,

You didn’t do any research before writing this, did you? What is this, your id spewed out loud for everyone to read? It has nothing to do with hijab or Islam or anything except you and yourself. I rescind my offer to keep talking - as entertaining as your ignorance is, I think we all have heard enough from people like

Keep talking. You’re just showing how little you know in public, and who am I to stop you displaying your ignorance.

So, what, you’re just going to decide the meaning of a specific belief system’s accompanying actions without any reference to knowledge or information about that belief system (hint - hijab has nothing to do with women’s bodies being “intrinsically immodest”) and then decide that whatever meaning you just made up

I don’t know what kind of parties you think white people are having. I read this and was like, “Wow, the stars may actually be ‘just like us,’ but the aristocracy certainly isn’t.”

Lol are you me? I can’t tell you how many friends I’ve shared a room with have expressed a fear that I’m going to smother myself sleeping with a pillow over my face/head.

This election has taught me so much about stress eating for fun and profit.

Well, you didn’t “waste your time” educating yourself before you commented you looked like an ass and everyone saw it, so I guess you’ll be doing some due diligence in the future before you start yelling at everyone else for not doing their due diligence. Or maybe not, since you seem married to doubling down and

I honestly think some people just don’t want anyone to be happy about anything ever. I struggle to come up with another explanation. Almost as soon as the news about the donation card being sent to Pence came out, people started shouting that with that proof he could deduct the donation cost from his own tax returns.

My dad has ALL the Red Cross swag (he’s got a rare blood type/rhesus factor that’s important for some reason that’s never been explained to me - the Red Cross calls him to make an appointment every time he’s able to donate). Their caps are incredible, their umbrellas are meh but they’ve gotten me out of a pinch more