1llamarampage will write again

This brings up another good argument - of the 50,000 people who donated since the election, how many of them were pushed over the edge from being willing to donate to actually donating by the promise of a physical piece of paper being sent to Pence? I’m going to guess it’s a pretty significant number. I’m pretty sure

It matters a lot to call your Democratic representative and let them know which issues are most important to you as a constituent. They have a lot on their plates, and by indicating your areas of greatest concern you can help them choose among their potential areas of focus.

Okay, Cindy, but the rest of the class is talking about this study, so how about you go sit out in the hall until you’re ready to participate?

If that cost was really so prohibitive, you’d think the good administration of Planned Parenthood would stop offering the certificate service. Or at least that they’d mention how much it ruins everything to have to do it.

She’s absolutely right. I gave to the Trans Lifeline, and I urge anyone with an extra $25 floating around to do the same.

Even just in setting up this meeting he displays this incredible tactic of behaving in the most insane way and then spinning the story so that he comes out looking, to the deluded, magnanimous and powerful.

Lol I didn’t have to drop $30, I just had to be smart enough to read the whole article before tripping over my own tongue to get down to the comments as fast as I could. Also, you can click the link to the Science Daily article where the study’s main author was interviewed - either one of these two easily-accessible

It is so funny to me that you’re making claims about what is and isn’t mentioned in the paper abstract, but seem unaware that the dose of artificial sweetener is mentioned both in this article and in the linked article in Science Daily - it was equivalent to a human adult drinking 3.5 cans of soda a day. Hardly

If you read the article you’re commenting on (not even the linked study, literally just the article you’re commenting on) you’ll see that this is addressed in the study - the rats involved drank the equivalent of an adult human drinking 3 and a half cans of soda per day. Hardly an inconceivable amount.

Yeah, in this sense I only meant “prepared” as in “gung-ho,” I didn’t mean to imply in any sense that she has a clue what she’s doing. I couldn’t tell that sort of lie with a straight face, even in text.

Right. This isn’t the first time the acting First Lady was someone other than the President’s wife. This IS the first time that the acting First Lady was also running the President’s myriad business interests, and the first time that person also seems totally prepared to sit in on high-level meetings, including with

It’s not an issue totally specific to France, but you’re not wrong. Belgium is the same. Remember after the French attacks (and the Belgian airport one right after) when every media outlet was like “Why are all these Muslim terrorists coming from this one neighborhood in Brussels?” but no one was asking “Why is the

I read about this and my only thought was, “Oh. We’re so fucked.”

So many of my friends are desperately hoping just to survive 2017 that I’m not sure I could also be friends with someone who’s hoping to make 2017 “her year.”

If you’re going to get your friend a sex toy, get it from Adam and Eve. I just bought a vibrator from there, and it’s great, but even better was the voucher that came with it for $100 off a $180 case of wine from nakedwines.com. Again, the vibrator is great, but the case of wines has actually changed my life for the

On inauguration day 2009, I was in Prague, and I was so sorry not to be home in DC, even though I was having the time of my life living in Europe. I had even (kind of) missed my chance to vote for Obama - the first time I voted, in 2004, I was at college and requested an absentee ballot. In 2008, unasked, they sent me

It’s like watching a baby use an iPhone. Sometimes they manage to type something that looks like an English sentence, but only if you’re feeling generous, and besides it’s not like they actually know what they’re doing.

As usual, conservatives are behind the times.

It’s also interesting to note that a lot of European countries that did away with their monarchies after WWI (Germany, Czech Republic, etc) arranged themselves such that they still have a cultural leader/goodwill ambassador/figurehead position in their relatively-recent governments - they just call him the President,

I feel as bad for coal miners who lost their jobs as I do for whalebone-corset makers. And I feel equally as sure that those jobs aren’t coming back, and no rotting sweet potato in the White House is going to change that.