1llamarampage will write again

I have often thanked the god I don’t believe in that I’m bisexual, because it means I don’t have to put up with any brand of the male bullshit I see my straight friends smilingly deal with. I especially thank the god I don’t believe in now that I’m definitely never sleeping with a penis again, both for my bisexuality

Almost a decade ago, I did my study abroad in London, and before we went our whole class had to take a one-session cultural competency course. I have lots of British friends who seem to find me charming rather than grating, so I think I must be doing fine, but I only remember two things we discussed at the time: If

I’ve never had a baby, but one of my coworkers got what she called “pregnancy bangs,” where all the hair the pregnancy hormones had caused to grow fell out, plus some extra, and then the normal hair started growing back in. It really did look like she was growing out extra-short bangs.

The pull test resulted in 0 hairs in-hand for me, which is great because no hair loss for me, but is terrible as it means my bathroom drains will continue to be eldritch nightmares for the foreseeable future.

If you can look at this video and see a young idealistic liberal twisted by years of working hard for a failing system, I suggest you get your prescription checked.

This is in my state, which went deep-blue in this election as they have done every national election that I know of. This happened in a city that is majority black, with a majority-people-of-color city council and a black (female!) mayor.

One thing you can say about Orwell, he really got to the heart of the totalitarian state and its deadening affect on the human soul in 300 pages or fewer. The man was concise. Perfect for when you’ve got only 2 months to prepare after your country elects A Literal Fascist.

I genuinely don’t know, and I can see good arguments both ways for why he might choose to take the gloves off and get angry once he’s no longer in office, and also for why he may choose the regular retired patrician President route. Just like so much in this election, I have no idea what’s going to happen and waiting

He’s under no illusions about the sensibility of everyone else, but he’s smart enough to know that the instant he drops the civility and lowers himself even slightly towards the level of inane contempt that is constantly aimed at him, he loses the high ground and all the tropes and racism will turn against him.

If civilization is going to collapse mid-January, I’d prioritize Anna Karenina over just about everything (including War and Peace). It’s a staggeringly good book that’s already helped me work through some things.

Lol now I feel super guilty, because I just realized I’m NOT going to attend. Almost 6 months ago, I bought super-cheap plane tickets to London. Then I found out that the December LSAT administration fell right in the middle of my trip - I shelled out almost $200 to switch the tickets, which severely reduced the

Uh, yeah, but the comment is about you getting paid to attend. Which you’re not. So yes, free.

Right? You couldn’t PAY me to leave my house on a Saturday in January in DC. Obama getting inaugurated wasn’t even important enough for me to shift myself, because it’s cold and crowded and hard to get to, which are all things I dislike. But you can bet your ASS I will be there protesting on January 21. I’ll see you

I got an extra sticker - one to wear, and one to keep as a reminder of the first time I voted for a woman to be President. It was supposed to be a happy reminder, but instead it’s turned into a desperately sad relic.

And you can’t spell “forest” or use ellipses correctly, so I still feel pretty okay.

I saw a headline as I scrolled through my Facebook feed today (though I didn’t read the accompanying article) that that one guy who’s predicted like, every election since Washington, and was one of the few who predicted this one correctly, has ALSO predicted that Trump will be impeached. At this point I’m not exactly

And those of us who are allergic, too young, or too immunocompromised to get vaccines will just be the sacrifice on the bonfire of your schadenfreude? Great plan, bb.

So I take it everyone there’s too painfully nouveau to know that ladies cross their legs at the ankle, huh?

It’s a way for journalists to basically say, “Don’t @ me, bro, I know this is wrong but that’s how the asshole said it, I’m just quoting!”

Her performance is the only thing said or done this week that’s made me feel anything other than a continuing cold despair.