1llamarampage will write again

That XKCD comic also opened me to the interesting philosophical question of Which Is Creepier: Sunken ships sunk in very deep water, or sunken ships sunk in water less deep than they were long?

My father’s a delight and my mother is a fucking drain on all my mental and spiritual resources, but they come as a package set so for my own sanity I had to move on from both of them. My dad’s made it very clear that he will leverage his relationship with me to get me to make his life easier by continuing to deal

I’m in the ending stages of getting an amazing, career-kickstarting job, after being unemployed for almost 8 months. I had a final marathon of interviews on Friday, after which a friend and I went out to dinner. We started talking about the election, and she said “I’m more sure that Clinton is going to be the next

I broke up with my parents earlier this year for reasons unrelated to this election, and it’s been both heartbreaking. It means I can’t talk to my dad, who is a hippy who spent his life working for the government, so he’s a nice mix of idealism and cold practicality, and he’s also genuinely the smartest person I know.

I can’t remember which of the Hannibal main players said it, but when asked, one of them was like, “I absolutely leave the character behind at the end of the day when I go home. It’s a job, not a mental illness.”

When even Margot Robbie, a woman clearly well-trained in being pleasant and diplomatic at all times, is willing to say in public that you made her work experience unpleasant and creepy, you fucked up. You need to acknowledge that you fucked up, or if you can’t manage that, let the incident sink from people’s memory by

And I can’t help but believe that that whacked-out 4% represents our transient population of Congressmen and the entourages they bring with them from their home states. So he doesn’t even have THAT MUCH of a permanent base of support.

There’s three possibilities: either she really does care about the impropriety of talking about one’s politics to strangers (unlikely, but I’m willing to entertain it as a theory), she voted for Clinton and doesn’t want her family to know, or she voted for Trump and doesn’t want the public to know. I actually think

I am so glad this election season still had time for one more hit of pure unadulterated savagery before it’s over.

Right? I have a poli sci MA, but sure, Bobby, I’m the one who doesn’t understand how the Electoral College works.

Ah yes, the famous city of Seoul, North Korea.

Your cousin is delivering you Viagra? Where are you, West Virginia?

Lol at people who can’t make a sane choice between two vastly different candidates thinking they have any of what it takes to figure out how to vote in a system where you have to help build a coalition.

Please. By 11th grade I had enough political knowledge to know that “protest voting” is nonsense, and enough basic human interaction knowledge to know that compromise is essential to making any relationship work (much less a relationship between me and my 301.3 million co-Americans). Those Deadspin writers were acting

I love politics and generally speaking they make me gleeful rather than despondent, but I know this election has taken a toll on me when this freaking song gets me tearing up.

Happy birthday!

I think that’s the REAL 12) No one cares about your “protest vote,” your moral purity, the “substantial issues” you take with either candidate, or however else you frame it to yourself so that you’re okay with helping screw everyone else in this country over. All they care about is that you helped screw them over.

I’m not concerned with the range of knowledge possessed by Trump voters (I can only assume it’s very little), but I hope everyone who’s participating in or propagating the idea of these dumbass “vote-swapping” schemes some people on my Facebook are talking about know exactly what they’re putting at risk.

In DC, we have a huge problem with trains stopping at random points on the platform and then “edging up” to where they’re meant to be. It’s annoying, and can sometimes make me nauseous - but it’s still better than having someone get pushed onto the tracks (although I don’t think that’s nearly as common in DC as it

I refuse. I could care less about going home in the dark, but I am enraged every single morning that I have to wake up in the dark. DST slightly mitigates the number of days I am enraged.