1llamarampage will write again

Yikes. I just bought my first adult couch for slightly more than $700, it’s the most beautiful couch in the world, and even as I did it I kind of believed I had lost my goddamned mind. I can’t imagine the couch that would be worth $52K. What features could possibly be included in a couch that would make it worth more

I was nearly 25 before I realized that I really shouldn’t sleep with people I’m not attractive to. No, not even if they ask. Not even if they’re into me.

It’s not technically piss, shit, or vomit, but another of the bodily functions - I was at an Amanda Palmer show at the 9.30 Club, and I was super-excited because I love Amanda Palmer and for once I was with a friend who was willing to get into the general-admission scrum and press up close to the stage (usually I go

People in regions where pasteurization still aren’t common do it themselves at home, and have been doing so since long before Pasteur. When I lived in Sudan, my host family had a special pot that was used for boiling milk and nothing else, and twice a week would get a delivery of fresh milk off the back of a donkey

Right? Like, “Sure, the Democratic party is interested in protecting women like me, but they are also (sometimes) interested in protecting women who are not like me, and I can’t be having that. Now I am very, VERY upset to find that the Republican party, which I sold my soul to, isn’t interested in protecting anyone,

My cat has never woken me up on purpose (I specifically don’t feed her in the mornings, so she doesn’t associate me getting up with her getting fed - she has dry food available all the time, and gets canned food for dinner). But I wish I could find the Google sting that would return useable results on the topic “How

I’m so, so tempted to do early voting this year, so at least my part of this debacle will be over and I can relax. On the other hand, I love getting up early and going to my polling place and seeing all the other people who got up early and/or took time off work to go perform their civic duty. Yes, I know it shouldn’t

My mother pronounces “mature” as “ma-TOOR” (specifically in conversations where I’m being accused of being immature) and it makes me want to file for emancipation. I’m 31.

The worst part is, his bitchy little burn is so nonsensical it makes him look worse - anyone who would turn down Salma Hayek, one of the most beautiful women to walk the earth, for being too short as though that’s even a thing, is the one who comes off as the drooling idiot in that scenario.

Important point that I missed first time ‘round.

Exactly. I know it’s a selfish viewpoint, but AirBNB has allowed me to travel to NYC 6+ times a year to see my friends. Hotels are less convenient (there isn’t one close to my friends’ apartments, but I often get an AirBNB within a 4-minute walk), not as nice, and more expensive.

Does this kind of thing actually impress anyone? Not you, but your boss’s spiel. When I hear that kind of “When I say jump, they say ‘how high” rhetoric, it doesn’t sound like an environment with great trust and team spirit, it sounds gross and exploitative.

I’ve lived in the DC area nearly my whole life, but I’ve never made the effort to actually go to an inauguration. Even though I was so excited to see Obama be president, the first time I was in Prague (and got to see him there on his first overseas trip), and the second time... it was really really cold, okay? Like rea

I agree. I had the Kikkerland and had the exact same problem. Now I travel with something similar to this: 3 pieces that snap into each other, and fit in their own snazzy case. I’m actually using it to write this from my Ecuadorean vacation right now!

I agree. I had the Kikkerland and had the exact same problem. Now I travel with something similar to this: 3 pieces

Lol I actually can’t imagine Noel Fielding eating normal human food though.

I think the only middle ground is the one I occupy, where I want to and think I should be the “who cares?” person, but am actually very much strongly in the “I couldn’t live there” camp.

I KNOW. I was all ready to throw in the towel on GBBO when I heard that Mel and Sue weren’t coming back, but this may be the only possible way I’d keep watching.

SUCH a weird place to draw a line.

And only under circumstances where everyone involved begged him to stop.

Before we lose, let’s make sure we squeeze in as many dumbfuck statements as possible while people are still watching us, to ensure that the impression of us is just unshakeably bad until everyone alive now is dead.