1llamarampage will write again

Right? I have a unexceptional number of differences of opinion with Clinton, and there are times I wish she had made different choices while acknowledging she was generally doing the best she could with the information she had. I am going to put the tick next to her name in a month with glee. I am going to do a little

Right? His moment of national glory was, ironically, while he stood on a stage and let the howling verminous masses of the GOP scream at him while he dangled what they wanted over their heads. I can’t believe that if he had waited 14 more days he could have gone down in history as one of the sole lone steadfast voices

She kept her soul in her pussy and that orange monstrosity just snatched it right out of her.

Frankly, right this minute we can’t afford to get complacent, not because I think low Dem turnout could hand the election to Trump at this point, but because now we need to make sure everyone’s getting their ass in a booth to vote down the ticket.

I can’t imagine having to stay indoors because the minute you step outside someone’s for sure going to ask you how it feels to be sexually objectified by your father, who encourages others to do the same. There’s always been a strong narrative about that on the left, but now it’s the top story about her out there

No one’s making the claim that it IS worse, I’m saying it will not be seen as worse, or even a particularly big deal, by the GOP.

You’re correct, but I think it’s pretty clear that what I meant was a recording of him saying “I raped X.” And to your second point, several of his highest-profile supporters have jumped ship publically and loudly. I suppose we’ll have to see what the polls look like Monday and Tuesday, but I think it’s a little weird

Not only is it not surprising, I’ll bet you all of that $5 million leak fee that this does not even come close to being “as bad” or “worse” than the threat of pussy-grabbing of a white woman in the eyes of the GOP. I know some people are speculating/hoping (on no evidence, but whatever, speculation is fun for the

If that’s true, and I think it might be, it had better be a white woman or we’re all gonna be treated to the spectacle of everyone sweeping it under the rug.

Jesus fuck, are they teaching all the above-average children of Lake Wobegone to tear their enemies’ throats out with their teeth? This is a work of unparalleled savagery. I love it.

Does this mean I have to finally forgive O’Dell for getting Austin Scarlett kicked off of Project Runway? I mean, probably, right? The poor woman was propositioned by Donald Trump, that’s got to be good for at least a few years of being unable to make any sensible decisions at all, due to the state of disgusted shock.

Um, yeah bro, because all those things were explained to me, so I know how it’s done. But thanks for taking the time to reach out to a stranger with a cunty attitude about nothing, I’m sure it was very valuable and not a waste of time for both of us.

I have read a lot of your comments on this and other articles this morning, and I like you very much. See? That excellent personality thing really pays off (and charming random internet commentators is 100% definitely only the beginning).

Oh man, I’ve never seen someone say “I can see why you have a problem with women and it’s because you’re a toxic jerk” in a way that was so articulate and frankly pretty sympathetic. This is like, a masterful comment. Well done.

You have just now hit the nail on the head. I honestly think there’s a serious percentage of dudes who would rather die alone (like the all-of-24-year-old letter writer who is oh so resigned to this inevitable fate) than date a girl they can’t brag about to their friends.

Literally any situation where another driver is trying to be nice to me just lands me in a fury. You don’t HAVE to be nice. That’s why there are rules governing every moment of time you spend on the road. The rules take the place of niceness - a situation I sometimes wish would be extended to other areas of life.

I would add a coda to #3: Merge like you mean it. It drives me crazy when someone just kind of meanders to the end of the merge lane and then drifts into the lane as though they’re just kind of floating through the situation. You are driving a thousand-pound metal death machine, you need to be an active participant in

She reminds me a lot of Nina Arianda when she plays Molly Graham in Hannibal, but a quick googling didn’t show me any pictures that even slightly back that up - it’s just the connection my brain made.

There’s a couple of things I can’t imagine how I’m going to explain to a future child or grandchild. How a fairly modern, connected country descended into a civil war and started slaughtering its own citizens, and everybody knew it, and almost no one did anything to help them. How the news media basically gave up on

Every sentence of both of these posts is absolute solid gold.