1llamarampage will write again

I went to a school for two years where girls were not allowed to come to school in dresses. First time, you got a warning, second time, your parents had to take you home to change. No exception. The very strong opinion of our headmistress was that dresses and skirts prevented girls from playing in such a way that they

That was weird to me, too - I know the animal should only be under anaesthesia for as short a time as possible, but does that really mean there’s no time for a quick “Hey, there’s a new game plan now that we know what we’re looking at” talk? I would be pretty upset if something was done to my cat without me knowing

The parent is kind of annoying to me, because the thrust of the story seems to be “The specialists are all wrong about what we should do, now let me tell you about the nightmare scenario our family is in.” Like, I don’t know, maybe you should try listening to the specialists? Maybe you don’t want to do what they’re

I think your pediatrician’s read on the situation was spot-on. My parents had a hard time with me for almost every milestone you can imagine - potty training, sleeping at night, getting up and ready in the mornings, homework as I got older. I think about the only thing that wasn’t a massive struggle was eating,

Right, but then there’s so many posts online from parents who are like “We did things our way and now we’re in a nightmare scenario, what do we dooo?” and it’s sad but also you set yourself up for this, and now your kid is old enough to have the wherewithal to make sure things continue the way they want them to, which

Right? “Fuck you for noticing what I said, but now that you’ve noticed I guess I’m sorry” is not exactly the most convincing apology I’ve ever heard.

I haven’t been able to use this since the last time Christie publicly humiliated himself for Trump’s benefit (and it’s been a while, hasn’t it? I guess they ran that well dry). I’m glad to see there’s a chance for it to come up again, even this late in the election.

I want you to read your comment again and think really deeply about whether it actually answers any questions, and in the very unlikely case that it does, if those questions were even being asked by anyone.

Please note that I’ve got a serious crush on her based on one picture in which she is astonishingly beautiful, so you are doing a lot better at being above-board than me.

As a feminist, I’m appalled that everything always comes back to a woman’s looks. As a queer woman, I have to admit that my first thought was that that face is by far the greatest thing Rudy Giuliani’s ever had a hand in making.

Now imagine your engagement ring is stolen and you can’t even care about it that much until later because you’re tied up in the corner of a hotel room and you’re more worried that you’re going to be raped.

Well, they tell you to write what you know. As the owner of thick, waist-length hair, I can tell you I have pulled that shit out of absolutely everywhere in quantities you would not fucking believe. My bathtub drain would make Stephen King shit his pants.

Right? These genuinely sound like the comments of people from the era when being a nerd was a bad thing, rather than a valuable thing. Maybe the guy was an unpleasant nut, but nothing they’ve said actually indicates why they’ve all got such a hair in the asscracks about him.

I’m surprised she even managed to get there. I’m meant to be in Ecuador right now, but my overnight flight from Miami was cancelled on Tuesday night. On the one hand, this means I don’t get to cross the equator on my 31st birthday like I’d planned, but on the other it means I didn’t get stranded in Miami or have to

My family has provided me some interesting observations. My mother is 65, but she had her first heart attack at 42, but continued to work for a further ten years. She’s has had at least six or seven heart attacks since then. She has a pacemaker, aortic resectioning, and they’re considering implanting a pig valve to

None of those protections would have to be built into working in a shop “a few hours a day,” as was the original proposition, but doing that is still illegal for kids as young as Brown is. If there was a provided teacher, financial protections, long breaks, meals, and a union, would you be fine with kids working in

Absolutely this. If her parents mismanaged their finances in an attempt to push their kid into stardom, that’s not her hole to dig them out of. If they just mismanaged their finances in general, it’s not her job to use her talent to save them when she’s so young that legal drinking is still her entire lifetime away.

I doubt it, since I have not yet succumbed to a life where the only people I see, even on holidays, are the people actually in my family. Maybe it’s just your family and friends? Regional variation? The fact that even a lifetime’s worth of casual experiences don’t add up to any sort of scientific survey of population

Literally all of them from President’s day to Christmas. My family’s half and half, and I live in the US. None of the US families I’ve celebrated with drink as freely or as matter-of-factly as the British families I’ve celebrated with.

Not only that, but it’s more socially acceptable to drink more heavily at English Christmas than it is at any family occasion for most Americans. Which can go one of two ways - if your family is full of happy drunks, it can smooth a lot of rough edges and make everything a bit nicer. If your family is made up of the