1llamarampage will write again

My only real phobia is of man-made things under water. Dumb things like a tire in a creek can make me uncomfortable, but the surest way to trigger it is with pictures of shipwrecks. That scene that’s in every Titanic documentary where the camera is floating through darkness and then suddenly the bow of the ship

I got into it because a teacher I had in high school did it - she started a club for ringing handbells after school, and I stuck with it long enough to start ringing tower bells for a few years. Ringing at the OPO was always slightly nerve-wracking. The Cathedral has an electronic system where you can muffle the bells

I used to be a bellringer at that tower (and at the Cathedral)! I fell out of it after high school and was considering starting up again, but I can’t help but believe it will be a less-welcoming space now.

To be fair, probably anyone sounds sane if your only knowledge of them comes from a few canned quotes from people who seem to have no real knowledge about the person they’re describing.

It definitely depends on where you lived. I was in 7th grade when Columbine happened (in the DC area, so not close-by) and then in 10th grade when the Beltway Snipers were rampaging through our own county, and we never had anything but fire drills, even after the danger was very much in our area. In the days the

But then why ISN’T there a statute of limitations for things that already don’t have one? For example, almost every state has no statute of limitations in cases of child sexual abuse for as long as the victim remains a minor, and many have no statute of limitations even after a victim becomes an adult. That’s

When my father’s job moved him out of state, he let me/asked me to move into his townhouse because he’s close to retirement and is planning on moving back some day. The very first thing I did was get rid of his 1990's-era waterbed, for exactly the reason of “how will I explain this waterbed to anybody I bring home?”

2 carats made up of smaller diamonds, which doesn’t make it better.

I lost my virginity on my first break home from college to a boy I knew from high school. Since we were both staying at our parents’ houses, the only place we could think of to have sex was his parent’s boat. Which was in dry dock. And I lost a 2 carat diamond earring in the parking lot gravel climbing back down the

lol tho Laurie Herndez is also a medalling Olympian and you’re out here acting like she’s nothing but a middle-manager at a retail chain or something? Ryan Lochte has, just recently, had to flee a foreign country because of a situation of his own making that he also lied about and left his teammates behind to answer

The real question, is, is on what basis a law regarding “cohabiting” rests. I can see the argument for marriage remaining between two people, but I get lost when the demand becomes that only two people in a relationship can live in one house. Where does that leave people who depend on roommates for extra income? Why

Laurie Hernandez is worth 20 Ryan Lochtes, in any field or discipline.

Yeah, I like a lot of the pieces, but those knit dresses in particular are skewing heavily Cosby sweater-ward.

I want my fat girlfriend to wear all of the dresses posted in the comment above yours. I want every one of those dresses in every size - “straight” size for me and “plus” for her. It would absolutely knock me out to see the woman I love in that blue with the see-through, or the purple gown.

There are two things on earth that are always guaranteed to send my rage into the stratosphere: Cooking instructions that tell me to “stir constantly,” and anything having the label of “elevated/luxury basics.” I can’t imagine the amount of brain damage I’d have to suffer to be willing to spend triple figures on a

That’s cute, but my mother abandoned her dog with me after her boyfriend had abused it into viciousness. It’s not a situation in which you are going to teach it “who’s boss.”

My extermination company doesn’t do anything but whole-house extermination anyway, so there’s no point staying in an infested room for fear of spreading them around.

OH MY GOD YOUR DOG IS A SCRAGGLY KOALA AND I LOVE HIM from a safe distance that he would not find threatening.

One time in the 4 or 5 years I had my dog, I forgot to close the back door on my way out to class. He went out into the yard through the dog door, then managed to get under the porch, which is connected through the fence to my neighbor’s back porch, and was able to get into her unfenced yard. He was smart enough to

Lol I actually HAVE been sleeping on my floor - on a twin-sized mattress I put in a bedbug bag before it got infested and which is going in the trash as soon as it’s all over - for months (between how much clutter there was and how little energy I had, it took me 6 months to prep for extermination). And I’ve been