1llamarampage will write again

It’s one of those weird things that makes you realize you’re not actually unique, you’re just tapped into the zeitgeist, and so is everyone else. At least twice now, I’ve thought of names that I would love to name my kids, specifically a daughter, only to have that same name become popular to the point of Jessica

I got one of these for my cat after she had completely worn out the scratcher that’s only the cardboard - she had loved the original, had worn it down to nothing and spent a lot of time sleeping on it, and I thought she would love the jingly things and the higher degree of interactivity.

I’m gonna go ahead and call it that the only intelligent thing to say on this issue was already said, yesterday, during a FiveThirtyEight chat in which Nate Silver said “Anything he says carries no substantive weight because he’s already taken every available position on the issue.” Now that that’s been said, there is

I don’t have anything worth anything. I started collecting when I was still young enough to put my Barbies on the horses and prance them around, and then at a later date my mother threw all of my horses in a large plastic tub to paint my room, so even the latest additions have all been scratched to hell (thanks, mom!)

Oh my god, 11-17 year old me would have died to go to BreyerFest. I still have almost 100 Breyer horses wrapped carefully in newspaper in boxes in my attic. I kind of don’t want most of them anymore, but don’t know how to get rid of them, since throwing things that were such an important part of my childhood in the

And I... never said it did? This is a shocking enough response that I have to imagine you’re replying to someone else.

You’re not wrong. There’s a lot of good reasons why Congressional positions are voted on every 2 years, but in the modern era it basically means that Congresspeople have to campaign literally constantly - which means they have to be back in their home districts constantly.

Also, the person she “left” her child with was that child’s other parent. If it was a succession of hired nannies I might be willing to entertain some speculation (although being raised primarily by paid help has worked well enough for enough people for long enough that I’m not even really ready to raise an eyebrow)

Every time a cop uses their power or their badge or their gun to brutalize a citizen, some hero without a cape is quick to trip over their own tongue telling everyone “You’ll be happy the police are there if you ever need them,” completely ignoring the fact that circumstances have to be pretty damn specific for the

Right? I was on the phone with Verizon the other day, and the lady on the line said, “We can get you free HBO Go for a month, and a discount after that” and I was like, “Game of Thrones won’t be back for a whole year, so what would be the point?”

And at a moment when US women’s soccer players are actively seeking to be given the respect and attention (and pay) that their male counterparts receive. Between that and the Olympics and after all the other stupid shit she’s managed to get away with AND at a time when it looks like she’s starting to decline from her

I think there are few things more important than free museums. I grew up in DC and my dad and I went to a Smithsonian museum once a month from the time I was 7 to the time I was 17. I can’t imagine who I would be if I didn’t have that background of regularly being able to look at art and artifacts in that environment,

Also, considering the GOP’s national platform, they’re not “alt” anything. This is normal American conservatism now.

It happened to me, and yet I’m STILL not out of the greys on Jezebel Basic!

Not to mention that pregnancy is a 9 month game, which means “avoiding the warmer months” isn’t even a thing you CAN do, even if you were willing.

Meanwhile, the medical journal Radiology just published some images and information about how bad the effects of Zika can really be on a fetus or baby (warning: medically graphic but not gory images). At the same time, Florida’s already-restrictive abortion laws are being defended by many prominent conservative

Ugh Wonkette. Always taking a joke too far, and so overrun with ads that are at-a-glance indistinguishable from the content. I dealt with it as long as they had the Behind Closed Ovens equivalent, but they’ve got literally nothing else worth looking at.

Right? I thought it was weird enough that the “Equality State” would be the one where the most famous thing that’s happened there in my lifetime was the brutal murder of a gay kid, but after reading those statements I’m realizing exactly how low the bar is for Wyoming.

It makes perfect sense if the story is “I was just in a place for no particular reason, and was robbed,” which is essentially what Lochte is saying. The hookers element is just speculation, although there does seem to be some question about why the swimmers were in the place where they got held up.

I’ve never read anything from the Onion beyond the headlines, but then, I’m not a big fan of humor by repetition, and the headlines tend to make every joke abundantly clear.