1llamarampage will write again

Also it’s a pretty specious excuse to use for not clothing an actor on the red carpet. You’re telling me you’ve magically got sizes sitting around that will fit Scarlett Johansson, Nicole Kidman, Kristen Chenoweth, who all have hugely differing bodies in terms of height and proportion, but you happen to not have

Dude, I feel you. I once moved to Sudan to get away from my family. Every time my air conditioning broke or I couldn’t figure out how to get a ride somewhere or it was just too hot or too difficult to keep going, I just reminded myself that it was better to be free and suffering than crushed to death by my loving

In fact an American won against a Bahamean runner via this method in the last Olympics. In the end, no one cares how you got on the podium.

The DC Metro is the worst place to try to read, since cars are often insufficiently airconned (and are usually overheated in the winter) and for some reason the whole system, cars and tunnels and platforms, tends to smell incredibly strongly of burning rubber. I’ve got a strong stomach and I’ve felt woozy with

I used to be able to read in cars (same as you, I was inured from a young age) but then I moved to Sudan, where it was incredibly hot, cars tend to have insufficient a/c, and the roads are so deeply rutted that sometimes I’d bounce so high I’d hit my head on the car roof. Trying to read ANYTHING under those conditions

I was recently trying to watch a how-to video, ad the page had ads that auto-played at a volume louder than the video that was the point of the page (that was, in fact, the point of the whole website, which exists only to host how-to videos). It was almost beautiful in how absurd it was.

I’ve successfully managed to skip periods - sometimes five or six in succession - but I also sometimes get breakthrough bleeding, even when I’m not near the end of the pill cycle. Most recently I was on a weeklong trip with a boy I was trying to woo, and wound up not being able to have sex for three nights (I’m fine

I can see that. I don’t like them too smooth and self-assured, either. And, like I said, it can happen to anyone.

IDK though, OP’s effort at vaulting over the point into “let’s talk about my concerns” territory isn’t really good enough to net even the bronze.

And I feel like you haven’t watched the video. Girlfriend looks pissed. The screenshot at the top of this article contains the least-annoyed looking frame, and even there I’d say that smile looks a bit strained.

One of my friends hooked up with him in NYC (years ago, before he was married - he had just broken up with his longterm gf who was also an acquaintance) and said he came in his pants after a bit of dry humping. Which can happen to anyone! But truly showed that even my preteen crushes have feet of clay.

I have a collection of teaspoons I’ve stolen from various places around the world. I started by taking the (real metal!) spoon I was given with my breakfast on an SAS flight to Copenhagen, and the habit has slightly spun out of control. I also possess a single tablespoon stamped with “U.S.” on the handle that my

I have never hit another person, but just thinking about someone stealing my food lets me know that under the right circumstances, I am capable of cold-blooded murder.

I’m not sure that’s true - for example, codeine is a less-addictive opioid (and was what the Bayer people were aiming to synthesize when they discovered heroin instead), and laudanum was about 10% opium (equivalent to 1% morphine) and was bitter enough to require heavy dilution in other liquids. One of the most common

Um fucking excuse you I had things to do this evening that didn’t include watching a Christmas special in mid-August, and now you’ve blown that all the hell.

No? Laudanum, heroin, and other opiate-derivatives were legal, available without a prescription, and recommended for almost every ailment you could imagine. So almost everybody used them. But there’s a difference between using something, even regularly, and being an addict.

Considering the absolutely stifled and controlled way Victoria was raised (she was literally never alone, she wasn’t allowed to go down stairs without holding someone else’s hand, etc.) by a mother and advisor who absolutely were trying to home-grow a puppet they could control once she got to the throne, I choose to

Oh jesus. Never with someone who lives near you. I have gone on two truly teeth-grindingly horrible dates (years apart - I thought the first one was so bad it had to be a fluke, but no) with someone who lives kind of near me and who parks his car near mine in our communal parking lot, and that’s bad enough because now

Considering not only the primary story of this article, but that “Malatesta’s case brought out a lot of women who had bad experiences at Brookwood,” I would consider taking a step back and having a think before leaping to the defense of an institution.

Lol it’s a conversation on Kinja. If you just want to have feelings in public and not have anybody comment on them when they’re dumb, you should save it for your InsaneJournal.