1llamarampage will write again

Exactly. People who want to get “pissed off” or any variation thereon about the hijab can feel free to build themselves a bridge and get over it.

For what it's worth, I never saw the original, and didn't find anything weird or distracting because it didn't make sense, which is usually what happens with callbacks when you don't know the original.

Nothing else could scream “dim bulb” so loudly. They couldn’t buy his way into a more prestigious school, or even push him into a better-sounding program?

Between that and his use of the word “unimaginable” to describe this supremely imaginable thing, I’m beginning to believe Mr. Lewis is speaking a completely new language of his own devising that just so happens to bear some startling resemblance to English.

And yet, somehow, the mass and common killings of British (and European in general) police officers somehow perpetually fail to materialize.

“I am devastated for everyone involved in this unimaginable event...

Learning how to compromise and vote strategically is a big part of learning how to be civically engaged. I also don’t think there’s anything wrong with being a single-issue voter - choose the issue on the table that’s most important to you (like, maybe, your ability to make choices about whether or not you’re ready

And this jackass has a pretty good chance of maintaining his Senate seat, unless the people of Florida (i.e., those among the most likely to actually have Zika one day affect their lives) wake up and vote against him.

You can give up a child for any reason. There are no laws stipulating what is and is not a justifiable reason for putting a baby up for adoption. As you say, though, the chances of being adopted are slim for children with disabilities, so giving a disabled child up is almost certainly to put them into a position where

Whoever this “Eddie” is, if he’s arrested I’ll gladly kick in some $ to his Gofundme.

Ugh, I just realized who I’m speaking to, and my interest in this conversation has vanished, leaving only mild regret that I was the fool who brought a troll out of the greys.

That’s great, but her ex doesn’t identify as bisexual, so this is pretty off-topic.

Literally no one talks about Rome’s democracy. It was a kingdom, then a republic that had monarchy and an aristocratic branch, and then an empire.

They’re just shitting from their mouth and hitting ‘post.’ They can’t even manage consistency for the length of one comment, so it’s pretty clear they don’t have any dogs in this fight, where by ‘dogs’ I mean ‘functioning braincells.’

And you’re not aware of the universal journalistic standard which states that you always use someone’s preferred pronouns and stated name? Do you also have to “investigate further” by “reading other articles” every time you need to know what 2+2 is? Do you just make assumptions about what color the sky is, and pray if

As is usual in these instances where the law and arcane negotiations about it are involved, I will await the explanations of the Noble Renard, Actual Lawyer to determine how I feel about Breyer’s actions.

It’s not hatred - hatred has to have a cause. Disgust is a visceral, instinctive emotion. Just like I can’t control the way I feel when I see a gutted raccoon on the side of the road, or have to deal with intellectual featherweights on the internet, I can’t help how I feel when I see a deeply broken toddler-woman

It’s always amazing to me how quickly we go from “too young to know better” to “too old to know better.” It’s like there’s a 5-year window from 42-47 where you can unambiguously call people out on their shit.

Spilled or dribbled, honey?

Starred because I want everybody to see how you’re so desperate to spew ignorance that you took a tongue-first flying leap down here to the comments and didn’t notice that the article is about a male transgender student.