1llamarampage will write again

This is important new information. My town doesn’t have such a position, so I assumed it was roughly identical to what we do have, when in fact it’s less.

And they say, Oh, if only we didn’t have this damned two-party system! Guess what, sweetheart, in every country with multi-party systems, voters have to vote MORE strategically, they have to give second, third, and fourth choices, think about coalition-building, and think about who their representatives are likely to

I agree with you until the point where you call someone with a medical degree who is unprepared to answer questions about vaccine safety conclusively, firmly, and in keeping with all medical knowledge, a moral or intellectual person. Allowing anti-vaccine sentiment to fester and foment puts the lives of children, old

Her energy policy involves moving the US both to 100% renewables AND totally rejecting nuclear power. How? By vague hand-waving, that’s how.

If Jill Stein had any intention of actually doing anything other than running a vanity campaign every four years until she dies, she’d actually try building a political career by getting elected to something - anything - else. The fact that you only hear her name every four years says everything about her character

Not only is she not prepared to be President, she has no desire to be President. She’s never run for elected office other than a seat on her town council - her repeated Presidential runs are nothing but an exercise in ego and moral purity for herself and those who just can’t bring themselves to vote strategically.

Additionally, a confirmation acceptance speech isn’t really the place to be The Greatest Orator. Obama’s acceptance speeches aren’t counted among his best, and he, especially for his first run, was facing just as much of a fight and was operating under equally historic circumstances as Clinton.

Or maybe other people’s feelings are more important than his? I get that Total Moral Purity is very very important to some people, but most of us realize that those small social niceties go a long way towards keeping life running smoothly.

Basically that’s the only non-infuriating thing I’ve ever heard about Leto.

Right, and the idea that it’s so unfair that they have to stay until they’re officially laid off to get their severance is absurd. Use your six months to find a new job during evenings and weekends. If you find one before your time at Revolve is up, you don’t need your severance package, because you are employed with

Which is deeply weird, because earwax is the variety of bodily effluvia that human children seem to learn not to consume first, because it’s decidedly gross.

Lol I don’t know why anyone would lie about barfing in a friend’s bathroom after shooting a bow and arrow, but if it makes you feel better to think it didn’t happen when it did, I guess that’s your prerogative (although if you’re going to play Poirot you might want to work on your information-gathering - the food was

I used to play with fire like that. One night, I made myself a Hamburger Helper for dinner. Left the remainder out on the stove all night. In the morning, had a few bites out of the pan before heading out to my friend’s house for some video games or whatever. It tasted fine.

My very favorite Kat Von D story is Caitlyn Doughty (of Ask a Mortician fame) revealing that they had started in the same mortuary science program, and Kat apparently didn’t have the resolve or the acumen to hack it. It doesn’t make her a bad person, necessarily, but the thought that she thought it was going to be all

Judging by that lede image, Pence may have actually succeeded in fiercely cupping Trump’s balls, which is even more amazing.

You’d better fucking hope The Secret isn’t real, cause if it is you’ve just doomed us all by putting this Armored Fucking Raccoons nonsense out there into the universe.

Is... is it not more like, “ate the food, left the packaging”? Turtle shells aren’t edible, and it’s not like the raccoon’s going to use it to make arts and crafts or anything.

Whereas you have much in common with Dennis Duffy, inasmuch as I have no idea who you are.

I wouldn’t jump on the tracks to save my own second-favorite parent. There’s like 16 ways you can die down there (17 if you count the rat kings), and all of them are hideous. I don’t need to be that kind of hero.

All 300+ of those onlookers would definitely be more helpful by jumping down there and getting in the way.