1llamarampage will write again

You say that like it’s crazy (and it is) but I think you’ll acknowledge that it was prescient to keep as many bridges as possible out of Chris Christie’s jurisdiction.

Wait, 2 out of the 3 anti-immigrant moms are anti-immigrant because their kids died in car accidents? If the accidents in question had been with someone’s handicapped vehicle, would they be going around smashing people’s wheelchairs? Forget Melania’s lazy mediocrity, the fact that other speakers have been driven

Anyone who’s getting into journalism as a profession at this point is the exact textbook definition of a masochist. Every time he publicly humiliates a journalist or boots them out of an event they make a mess of their suit pants.

How can you even focus on that when the event’s signage involves both prissy faux-handwriting and a PINK HEART for godssakes. How many meetings did they have to go through before they nixed the fairy-princess mascot with the sparkly wand?

Something about the big classy restaurant windows looking out over a vast expanse of absolute fuck-all makes me very happy.

I’ve never experienced jet lag at all - from DC to Europe, or Europe to Africa, going either way. I find DC to London to be about the nicest trip possible, since all the planes take off in the evening and land the next morning, so you can get nearly a full night of sleep on the plane and be ready to go when you get

.... And then dying early when their union-mandated insurance company starts refusing necessary medicine and care in a bid to save money. It’s something my mother and all her friends go through. My mom, at least, is still strong enough to keep fighting (she’s been to court at least 3 times) but I can’t imagine how

I agree completely, but he doesn’t have to be the thing, he just has to fake it til November. Let the facade bring some recalcitrant republican voters into the tent and his name recognition level of “yes, that is someone I’ve vaguely heard of before” bring in the rest.

Not to drag up ancient history, but very nearly this exact scenario played out quite well for George W. The last time the GOP had the White House, they got a two-term president and all the wars they could eat by having a petulant manchild in the Oval Office while the evil VP ran the country. Frankly, why wouldn’t they

Right? I mean you do, definitely, have the right to face your accuser - the idea that that means you can drag them into court during every phase of the pre-trial is absurd. And it’s not only absurd, there’s legal precedent making clear that it’s absurd.

I think it’s his way of becoming the anti-Palin, adding a much-needed dose of sanity to a ticket.

It’s more like a bunch of dudes made a big mess, and the responsibility of cleaning it up has fallen to the first person too stupid to scurry out of the way like everyone else, who in this case, happens to be a woman. Who also happens to be among the people least-qualified to do anything that could justly be termed

One of my friends did her study abroad in the Gambia, and came home early because the warm, humid environment was the perfect breeding ground for her to get strep face. I’ve never gotten over that.

That is, I think, the scariest thing about guns. If someone’s coming after you with a gun, you can’t help you, and I can’t help you. You can’t outrun it, and I can’t stop it without dying myself. I would never let someone be attacked with (knife, bat, rock, you name it) without doing something about it, but I imagine

This is going to sound mean when I am really just confused, but she keeps getting cast in parts that are just... too smart for her? So many films want her to be clever and/or witty, and she just doesn’t seem particularly to be those things, or able to fake it convincingly.

All the arguments “against” Jones are based on the question “Why doesn’t she just do something completely different than everyone else,” which is missing the point that she shouldn’t have to do anything different than everyone else. The designers may not have an obligation to make sure everyone gets free clothes, but

That’s what I tell people when my size-11's come up as well - if they weren’t that big, I’d fall down in front of every breeze coming from behind me!

I’d imagine that for a bland, vaguely pretty white woman with no discernible personality in a time when the world is beginning to demand something more than bland, vaguely pretty white women with no discernible personality, it probably is kind of “empowering” (or more likely its sister emotion, “relieving,”) to know

Your personal feelings are very interesting but not terribly relevant. As it stands now, no one is paying for their dresses and it’s not up to Leslie Jones to be the one who starts it, especially when the people she’d be purchasing from have already so disparaged her.

Everyone else is getting their dresses for free, because of the exposure they give to the brand. Once someone has deemed that you’re not worthy of the same treatment that everyone else gets, are you going to turn around and give them $5,000+ and the exposure? Maybe if you were chicken shit you’d be that weak. Leslie