1llamarampage will write again

Jordan hasn’t suffered an IS-affiliated attack before. This one has been claimed by IS, so the border shutdown is directly related.

Everything you’ve said is true, except that I can guarantee no one there is following Ramadan. Even if it wasn’t explicitly said that you’re not supposed to fast if it’s going to hurt you, these refugees ver much meet the definition of “traveling,” and you don’t fast while you’re traveling.

I agree - wanting to be queen is something Sansa put aside with the rest of her childhood, like her faith and her love of tales of knights and ladies.

To be frank I straight-up thought Cersei would tell Ser Gregor to kill Tommen. We knew he had to die (the prophecy said that Cersei would have three children and watch them all die), I though the twist was going to be that she’d knock the last one off herself, out of spite. After all, he apologized for letting her

Considering Lyanna was kidnapped by Rhaegar, raped by Rhaegar, and locked at the top of a tower by Rhaegar, guarded by four of the toughest fighters in the kingdom loyal to Rhaegar, I’m going to have to call bullshit if it turns out that anyone other than Rhaegar is Jon’s father.

Isn’t Jon Snow’s Ghost still around? I know we haven’t seen him since Castle Black, but I don’t think anything’s happened to him.

So you’ve literally never heard someone say “My state will go to (x) candidate anyway, so I feel fine voting for (y third-party person) who can’t win”? thus relying on the electoral college to keep their conscience clean because they’re not splitting the vote?

And if my uncle had a cunt he’d be my aunt, and have about as much point as all the “if we had x system we don’t and never will have” comments.

I recommend you look up the Electoral College system in the United States, which can be said to weight the votes of people in some states more heavily than in others (but was of course put in place to stop the weight of some other votes being weighted more heavily than others).

Depends what you’re talking about. In referenda (in countries that have them) it’s a direct vote. In all modern democracies, people are not directly casting votes for their political leaders with no intercession, which is what is meant by “one person, one vote” (which is why the US has the Electoral College and

This has been today’s edition of “Aw, baby. You pretty but you simple.”

I haven’t got a prime minister at all. I’m an American.

No one’s saying it’s not their right. But if people are showing off how much they don’t understand about how the system works, or that they think a “protest vote” means anything more than running their ballot through a paper shredder, it’s also my right (and privilege, and pleasure) to tell them they need to take a

I happen to have no conflict between my conscience and my brain - this time. If I did, I’d go with the brain every time, because um, it’s the smart one.

Wasn’t Trump barking something about NATO being obsolete last week? Maybe that’s the next diplomatic bridge they want to tear down.

The Sanders supporters who are going to vote for Clinton are going to vote for Clinton because they fear Trump. They’re not going to need to be pressured by anybody, because Trump provides enough pressure. The ones who are never going to vote for Clinton are never going to vote for Clinton. They don’t need to be

Almost every MP has already said they will view the referendum as binding, and the EU leadership has already made it clear that they are not willing to play ball with either renegotiation or waiting and expect article 50 to be invoked more or less immediately.

Just think of how much more INFINITELY she’s limited her job prospects by allowing her name to be attached to this bullshit fight internationally than if she’d just gone to another fucking school without saying anything.

Lol, and what if every person I’ve ever masturbated to the thought of suddenly showed up at my house at once, pronouncing me the life-partner who could satisfy their wildest dreams?

I appreciate your support of my decision not to murder Bill Cosby. I need the security of knowing my friends are behind me as I work though this difficult decision.