1llamarampage will write again

You would think that petty, angry people who make up most of the ‘leave’ voters would understand that it doesn’t matter how much someone needs you, when you anger them they are likely to bite your fucking face off out of spite, and worry about how much they need you afterwards.

Lennon didn’t just die - he was murdered. The fact that he was murdered was integral to his rehabilitation timeline.

Lennon had the good grace to get shot in the face. Guess you better call off that hit you ordered on Cosby.

Sure! The Brits and others who have the luxury of multiple votes definitely have the privilege of voting both strategically and with their principles. However, as we are unlikely to ever change the entire system by which we elect our representatives, it seems sensible to be au fait with and realistic about the way the

There’s always hope he’ll fucking die first.

And this is why the growing proportion of this country who are black and brown have so resoundingly rejected Sanders and the rest of the progressive left. They know exactly who, historically, has made up the numbers of your short-term sacrifice in order to pay for your long-term gain.

I look forward to seeing your shocked and appalled video interview during the first hours of the Trump presidency, Adam.

My reasons for being against the Independence referendum (inasmuch as I held that position - I’m not in the UK, don’t get a vote, and didn’t feel it was my place to say anything at all) were about 90% based on economics and 10% based on nostalgia. The economy is now fucked and the nostalgia has been taken out back and

I have never found a single person with an “everyone but me is an idiot!” stance who had anything of substance to say. Feel free to prove me wrong, but I’m not holding my breath on you being the lone exception.

It’s kind of hard to say, because London was a world financial capital for literally a thousand years before the EU or the European Economic Community was founded. That’s for a lot of reasons - like the fact that England hasn’t been invaded since 1066, and doesn’t have the same history of violent upheaval that

And the formation of the Union depended on that compromise, because people in the other 46 states don’t feel like the POTUS and SCOTUS decisions should be made by the people who live in 4 of them (or 2, at the time, since back then it would have been New York and Virginia). It’s not reasonable to ask the 214,000,000

It may be, but the fact is that the UK is a huge trading partner to the EU, so the EU’s economy may well still depend on stabilizing the UK as soon as possible. By the same token, the UK’s leaving may be disastrous enough to the UK economy to act as a deterrent on its own. I really think it could go either way, and

I hope you’re right, but for one thing, I’m not sure that the people who loudly proclaim themselves “tired of experts” are capable of taking in any new information, and for another, I don’t think the US’s version of UKIP supporters are actually aware enough of what’s going on on a global scale for this to make an

And now Nigel Farage is shitting himself with glee, which should make anyone with half a brain decidedly nauseous. The degree to which this reckless misstep has backfired is hilarious.

It may not be logically inconsistent, but it’s churlish at best and shows a bad understanding of civics at worst.

You’re not wrong. Parties all across the spectrum in the UK have played on and stirred up Euroscepticism to their own ends for the last 30 years, and now that easy talking point has ruined their own economies for the foreseeable future. I can’t be gleeful, though, because there are more people from the EU and the rest

Sure. There’s probably no good reason why no modern democracy has such a simplistic system. It’s not like the less populous states in the US haven’t already registered their resistance to having the executive and legislative branches of the government determined by New York and California alone, either.

My feelings on Scottish independence have done a complete 180 in the last 12 hours, which may be the fastest reversal I’ve ever managed.

A “straight-up vote” is the way the UK deals with these kinds of questions.

Those same people who love to whine about the Electoral College (“but whyyyy can’t it just be one person, one vote”) lean heavily on its existence to allow them to vote with their precious consciences instead of their fucking brains.