1llamarampage will write again

Lol I just found out that under article 50 of the Lisbon treaty, which deals with the (til-now theoretical) situation of a country leaving the EU, the terms of exit are determined and voted upon only by the remaining 27 countries - meaning that all those UKIP/Leave promises about what breaking with the EU would be

It’ll be interesting to see whether Brussels takes the track of making it as painful as possible, to dissuade other potential leavers, or or making it as easy as possible in the hopes that it’ll help return to stability.

Literally the only comfort I can find here is that next time I’m in a bar in the UK, I’ll have some fucking ammunition for that drunk guy who always wants to yell at me about US policies beyond “I didn’t vote for him!” (as was the case during the W. years, when these conversations happened to me all the time).

I guess if it causes you to sweat it could cause you to lose more weight, but it’s all water weight. As to how much worse it is than any other shortcuts on the market, you’re probably right that they’re much of a muchness with each other, but that doesn’t give me much comfort. People who are unused to exercise in

Waist Gang’s product line is about 90% made up of products meant to be worn at the gym, including waist trainers and a rubber workout suit. I think it’s part of their branding to try to differentiate themselves from other corsets (which is all they are) - they’re the corset you use to work out in!

Right. On the one hand, I don’t believe that every discussion on the internet has to be framed and predicated by every detail of a person’s life, but on the other... the woman has a letter from the vet indicating that that cat was very, very sick. The kind of sick that has nothing to do with a sudden family upheaval.

This conversation has taken a swift turn to the axe-murderish that I am not entirely comfortable with.

This is why I just can’t with people who let their cats roam outside unsupervised. You’re basically saying that you don’t care enough to keep your cat from getting injured, and you don’t want to know when it dies. Even in the suburbs or rural areas, there’s a ton of other animals that would like to fight with a cat.

I’m not saying any of those things. I’m saying people get hurt and die in the Greek system - if you’d like to dispute that, then I suggest another read of the article you’re commenting on (or first read? Did you take a flying leap past the text to jump down here and defend yourself?)

All those dues and the sorority house couldn’t spring for a dictionary? Because nepotism can include, but is not limited to, handouts for family.

Even if numbers are up, they still represent a small fraction of university and college goers. Additionally, participation means nothing, since the degree to which those people are helped by their participation once they leave college is what we’re discussing. Do you have the year-to-date numbers on the amount of

Cute quip, but I hope that with that kind of grasp on the basics of investment, those three jobs weren’t in a financial field.

I want to go see Panic! so bad, but ~5 hours notice is not enough time for me to manage getting down there. However, this gives me hope that future shows of theirs will be at eligible venues.

Can you tell us where to find info if we got cash back? I buy ebooks on Amazon all the time, but couldn’t find anything on my account.

No shows in DC or Baltimore, either. I think the closest venue to the capital is Virginia Beach (though I could be wrong, there’s no way to know for sure except to scroll through every page, and surprise I’m not doing that).

Panic at the Disco’s show tomorrow night in Virginia Beach is among the offerings, and I would 100% go... if it wasn’t TOMORROW NIGHT in a place I’d have to cross state lines to get to.

If you ever move back to the states, I’d be interested in knowing how you manage to get your cats with you. I had the opportunity to adopt several cats in Sudan, but since I also knew I wasn’t going to be staying for more than a few years, and couldn’t be sure of how I would be able to get a pet home, I passed.

It reminds me viscerally of things some people (people I had thought were my friends) said to me when I was getting ready to move to a Muslim country for work. “Be careful. They kill women there for having opinions. They think rape is okay there. If you offend people, you might be killed. This is not an idle warning!”

Braggart wants to brag about going to Mexico City, slips in a dig about other people being pretentious.

Most developing countries that have any kind of functioning government have their shit together when it comes to vaccines, because they’re already well-aware of the damage that diseases can do (there’s not a vaccine for everything, after all). When I was living in Sudan, the vaccination team would come to your house