1llamarampage will write again

You should not be taking your information from this person, who is at best presenting their opinions as fact and at worst is wildly misinformed. Their comment reeks of biphobia as well, so their presumption in offering any knowledge on the wider LGBTQ+ community is frankly appalling. Sight unseen, I’d trust your

People will take “queer” from my cold, dead hands. It’s my word for myself. Nicole is probably also very concerned by the tendency of black people to use the n-word to speak of and to themselves or each other.

This is among the common Vogue interview sins that doesn’t get talked about enough - the part where the interviewer wastes my time by shoehorning in a drawn-out anecdote to show how clever they are. No one’s reading the interview for you, Van Meter!

I’m not usually a fan of the phrase “play stupid games, win stupid prizes,” but if the first thing on your mind after reading something like that is to whine about how YOU were “mislead,” then I think you could stand to be taken down a peg or seven. I only wish you could learn another way to react rather than

It’s also pretty important that these things do pile on each other - one unspeakable horror is, you know, unspeakably horrible, two is somehow even worse, three, four, five, and each one increasing in body count, and maybe eventually you reach a tipping point where people are actually willing to fight for change.

Instead of saying we need to stop gun violence, how about we change that to say we need to stop violence.

It’s not about you, and it’s not even, I think, about people who offer thoughts and prayers but don’t subsequently devote their lives to activism. It’s about people who devote their lives to setting up the circumstances that make “thoughts and prayers” situations happen. People who promote bigotry, who make ridiculous

I agree with the point you’re making (privatizing prisons DOES lead to awful consequences), but it has nothing to do with this case, as Angola is owned and operated by the state of Louisiana.

Untrue. The prison is owned and operated by the state of Louisiana.

And when you factor in the reality that most men on death row are black, and the black population is also more likely to suffer from hypertension, it’s frankly 100 times more shocking that ONLY three inmates have illnesses that make them vulnerable to heat stroke.

I’m pretty sure that Godwin’s Law correlary (stating that the person to make the comparison to Hitler or Nazism automatically “loses” the debate in question) only applies in cases where the comparison to Hitler or Nazism is only made on the basis of one or two not-terribly-direct similarities. Godwin himself has said

Right? Facebook is a convenience where you can do all of your social-media stuff in one place. It becomes markedly less convenient when they start breaking every function out into its own app unnecessarily. I’m still mad that I can see I’ve got a message from a friend in the main app, but to actually read the message

It’s nice to have a second anecdote from someone on the inside to back up my statement that participation in Greek life only pays out in a limited way.

When I did my study-abroad in London, the professor running our “cultural awareness” pre-flight program strongly advised all of us to leave any Greek life activities off our resumes, as it would hold us back more than help in our quest to get internships in the UK. It really rubbed a few participants the wrong way,

You usually provide 100% grade-A Kinja opinions, but I think you’ve got a screw loose if you think merely being a potential frat boy is grounds for being brutalized by anyone.

I’m getting hardcore flashbacks to Charlie Sheen’s “tiger blood” phase.

Non-GMO preachers don’t only thumb their noses at GMOs, they also influence policy decisions in low-income countries that lead to those countries not accepting food aid that could, might, or has been insinuated to be from GMO sources, which means that those starving people who would happily chow down continue to

They sure as fuck didn’t include shit like this in the “What Gawker Media Does” post.

It’s a popular ready-meal thing in Czech Republic as well, and is often really pretty. I find the taste pretty unobjectionable, but I do find the presentation kind of weird.

My French lessons at the Alliance Français are in this neighborhood! You can bet I’ll be doing a drive-by peek at this place next time I’m up there.