1llamarampage will write again

I think that looking at any 5 pictures of Melania will be sufficient to convince you that that woman has never had her eyes wide open for anything.

The... general we haven’t had yet? I think your argument on the basis of language is the stronger one, here.

You know I like the cut of your jib, but I’m gonna need a real good citation to justify your use of the word “viable” here.

I often think this about the conservative impulse in general. What is it, exactly, you think you’re conserving? Why is it worth conserving? Can you point me to an example where an idea was actually conserved against changing majority opinion, instead of just delaying the inevitable?

It’s a good tactic unless someone inconveniently remembers that the “will of the people” elected Obama to a second term of 4 full years, in part to do the job of nominating Supreme Court Justices if a space should become available.

It’s reminding me more of Kim Davis. DO YOUR JOB. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like it - do your job or resign. Or give back your paycheck. Just do. Your damn. Job.

I’d star you anyway for saying things that make sense, but I starred you extra hard because the “dear” bullshit has to stop, nothing gives me hives like being condescended to by someone who is wrong.

For me it’s the creatures without eyes that they meet thinking that sight must be so limiting, once it’s described to them.

They don’t even have to do the work of filibustering - they just have to keep the hearing off the agenda.

See, I thought it was the eyes, but you’re right, it’s the AI software! Off by a letter.

The other, really good news, is that it is too late by at least a few months for anyone to enter the primary field with a shot in hell at taking the nomination. It’s looking like Trump might well get the nomination. Or it could be Rubio - it’s still pretty unclear, and if we have to go through a brokered convention

I know it’s cynical, but I honestly understand the motivations of a narcissistic sociopath better than I understand the people of good will who genuinely believe in the current Republican platform. Also, I take comfort in thinking that if Trump is the nominee, the Democratic nominee will laugh all the way to the White

Not that I needed more reasons to think the idea of arming teachers is dumb as shit, but it pleases me to hear that there are even more reasons that I hadn’t even begun thinking of.

Janet Jackson has a maybe-real maybe-fake wardrobe malfunction on TV - 20 million FCC complaints. An elected official who knows he’s mic’d at a gospel station chooses to curse - I’m gonna bet not one word gets said about it.

I could run my own private army to take on ISIS just by recruiting moronic Gawker commenters alone.

To be fair, if every moron I’ve ever met suddenly decided to be rabidly, aggressively pro-me, I’d be feeling pretty safe to do and say whatever I want, as well.

In which case I apologize for misreading your intent and point you once again to the glory that is our privatized prison system, which better than anything proves my point that you don’t actually have to kill people, you just have to break them comprehensively to achieve the same result.

Right, but even the story you’ve suggested isn’t inherently going to whitewash the death of millions (definitely millions) by suggesting that he was a really nice guy when he helped people with their eyes (as far as I’m aware, he didn’t even finish all his postdoc work before he was called back to Syria after the

I dunno, how far from its usual place has your womb wandered? Like, can you see it moving around under your skin? If yes, you might want to give this a shot, I mean geeze, it can’t possibly make anything worse, right?

One thing apes have going for them, they can actually DO interesting things while still having baby cuteness, whereas human babies are basically stultifyingly boring until they just look like people, around age 6 or so. I once had to spend a whole HOUR in the company of a toddler, I thought I was going to go crazy.