1llamarampage will write again

I’m not super into it, if I’m honest, but then I find all the apes kind of chilling, because they’re basically just people without an understanding of right and wrong.


Yes. It’s worked so well for prisons, after all.

The harder I try to move beyond the childish “If they hate it it must be good!” mentality that had me committing a lot of sodomy within the last decade, the more difficult they make it.

If you think the purpose of that story was to make you sympathize with Hitler’s micro dick, then you must have read a very different story than I did. “Making sense of” tragedy does not require sympathizing with the perpetrators. A desire to whitewash crimes through making their unrepentant perpetrators sympathetic

When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. When all you know about is FOOTBALL, FOOTBALL looks like the answer to every question.

The entire notion of “fully rounded” portraits of the perpetrators of multiple heinous crimes is a disservice to victims. No one cares about Assad’s years training as an ophthalmologist in Damascus, especially not while most of his victims go unknown and unheard. Neither does anyone with a grain of common humanity

In fact, 5.6 percent of households had very low food security in 2014 (which is the earliest year for which totals are availabe). 9.4 percent of households with children were food insecure. The fact that those numbers are fairly low is part of the success story of AFDC, SNAP, WIC, and other programs.

Every once in a while, someone at Gawker forgets to put on their pretend-to-give-a-damn hat and just lets all their anger and frustration go, in a way similar to what I would do if I had an international news platform to push my deep annoyances off of. I live for those days - this is a masterpiece of the artform.

I’m so excited for this! I recently started watching Xena on Netflix (after not having seen it since its original run). It’s just such a deeply weird show, and at least in part in ways that just have to do with how T.V. was back then - like, the emotional climax of each season is timed towards the middle, to “sweeps”

It’s a fantastic sentiment that may be breaking through my “But Lucy is Xena and I never want that to change, never ever ever” resistance.

It’s not a real addiction, though, it’s just like - where else is the money going to come from? It’s not a matter of sympathy (I have none), but when people ask, in all good faith, why doesn’t she step out of the limelight and get right with herself for a while, I just feel that no one else except for the Mediaverse

The disconnect being that there’s 2 viable parties. You can brush off one of them, but if you brush off both the best you can hope for is that it’s meaningless, and in the worst case scenario your actions put truly awful people in power.

I’d imagine it’d be tough. She’s got great name recognition - for something awful. Who’s going to hire Rachel Dolezal now? At least in the kind of job she trained to be in and has experience in? She could start all over, but no matter what her career path she’s put a pretty solid cap on her potential for future

Everyone being like, “Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if that Republican was president,” like, you don’t have to choose one of them! You can choose someone else! It is okay to brush off the entire Republican field, you don’t have to make choices between who is less-bad of the wholly bad lot!

Baby aardvarks? They look like the cutest-possible combination of piglets and bunnies, they’re amazing.

I honestly think human babies are some of the least-cute mammal babies. Sometimes I feel like a robot when people are like, “Oh, aren’t you the cutest thing!” to a baby and I’m like, excuse me, have you literally never seen a puppy?

Thanks, but I don’t mind. People need to vent, and to be fair, I did the exact same thing by commenting on a post about Jordan’s pet with a story about my own.

I quote this at least weekly. Thus far no one has noticed (or mentioned noticing) the source.

Same here. I started out with monthly contacts a while ago, but I could never get a pair to last even a week before they were agony to put in every morning, and I was fussing and fighting with them all day. Dailies are very, very expensive, but having contacts that don’t leave me rubbing my eyes all the time is worth