1llamarampage will write again

I’m so sorry for your loss.

Pete Campbell was a weasel, but oh, so quotable. I say “Not great, Bob!” at least once a week. I’m still working to get the exact right tone.

Sure, but that doesn’t mean the girl who’s incapable of learning that black-red lipstick isn’t office-appropriate is automatically any smarter.

Feel free to explain to me how that doesn’t make her a “special snowflake.” The rest of us somehow manage to be really good at our jobs AND leave the dog collars and pigtails at home. While it doesn’t make her look slovenly, it makes her look childish, which is just as bad for a person in a responsible position. In a

It’s a good way to set kids up for the life-is-pain (lots of other things, but a lot of pain) understanding in a way that’s a little smaller-scale or less totally devastating than, say, talking about the loss of a parent or a sibling. Things are frequently terrible and awful choices often need to be made. It’s good to

Um, I don’t know, she’s working in a professional setting so ought to look at least moderately like an adult and not a petulant high-schooler? What about her job requires her to be her absolute truest self in order to cope, such that she’s less good at her work when she’s not wearing a dog collar?

The Talking Eggs was my absolute favorite as a child - the pictures are incredible. All the characters are black, and it’s a traditional fairy-story: good little girl goes on an adventure, and the wicked sister & mother wind up punished.

Yes. I didn’t mention it at first, but white kids should see diversity celebrated in literature, too. My mom is a bit racist, but I always had children’s books about black kids on my bookshelf - Mirandy and Brother Wind, and Talking Eggs were some of my favorites. I went to school in a racially diverse area (PG

Well, you probably look fine for the job you have, otherwise you wouldn’t have it, wouldn’t keep it, or wouldn’t be promoted in it. If you dressed like you were working for the FBI when in fact you were working in a tattoo parlor, you’d look dumb as shit - that’s true as much as the reverse is. Knowing how to present

Good for her. I loved the white-boys-and-dogs books we read in school, but I was a little white girl who loved dogs. Elementary schools need to have reading programs with as much diversity as possible, as early as possible, because reading is pretty much the single most important thing you learn in school, and

You shouldn’t be offended, merely because parents will never notice when you grow up and change - my mom still orders me extra biscuits at Popeye’s because I used to go crazy for them when I was like, 5. I still love Popeye’s biscuits, but not enough to buy a half-dozen each time I go. It’s just a marker of how much

The idea that she’s some sort of super-genius but needs to look like a moron to be “at her best” is perhaps the least-believable thing I’ve ever seen a television show try to pass off, and I used to watch Xena.

This kind of makes my point - the Navy Yard isn’t a “military facility” in the sense that a base is. It’s an administrative facility. The people working there, even if they are actually in the navy, are office workers. Their dress code is the same as the rest of D.C., which, overall, is a bit more conservative than

That’s not why we have an electoral college. That was the opinion of Hamilton and many of the other founding fathers, but the compromise that birthed the electoral college was different.

Not to mention, why is the “greatest weakness” of the Sanders campaign his chances in the general election? I’m pretty sure his dismal-to-not-good chances in South Carolina, Nevada, Michigan, Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio, before he gets to the next state where he has a chance of making a strong showing

You must work in very different government offices than I do.

That is... not cute.

Speaking of which, is it ever brought up in the show how grotesquely inappropriately-dressed she is to be working, even as a civilian, in an office of the Navy?

Exactly. The instruction to be honest is not an invitation to be childish, or to turn the interview into a therapy session. “Be honest” with your boss is not the same as “be honest” with your best friend from college. No matter what, you’re at work, and you have to be professional.

This remains the most disgusting sight I’ve ever seen, and I’ve witnessed the effects of tertiary syphilis.