1llamarampage will write again

If you are at an event SOLELY peopled by those you would deem “close friends,” double dipping of any kind is acceptable, no spin required.

This is the only exception to the rule I’m willing to accept.

Literally not one interesting or important thing has ever happened, historically, before 11.30 AM. Stay the fuck in bed, people.

Former State Rep. Marilinda Garcia has a much higher threshold for secondhand embarrassment prompting facial expressions than I do. Or maybe I just hate liars more, who can say.

My favorite thing about this gif is that you can tell there’s a moment where he’s already appalled but is considering being somewhat into it? And is then like, nope, I’m sticking with appalled.

They tend not to be supremely low in price, and the items I’ve bought from them have held up well. YMMV, of course.

I once took a picture of a girl with her bag next to her during rush hour and posted it on twitter with “#seesomethingsaysomething,” because I was grumpy. DC is obviously a tiny town and Twitter is weird, because the girl herself knew about it within 2 hours. She messaged me back like, “No one wanted that seat,”

That’s when you say something untrue but meaningful, like “You’re lucky one of your kids didn’t start choking, I wouldn’t even have rung the bell for the flight attendant.”

I may have forgotten history, but you seem not to have picked up a newspaper recently - Obama was able to hold onto the leads he made in his first term, and he has been able to add to them as a lame duck. Some of the biggest deals of his 8 years have been made within the last 12 months.

It’s a question of where you want your baby steps to go - towards better? Or towards worse? And there’s always the possibility that some big unforeseen event (like 9/11) will occur during any given president’s term that could allow them to grab the reins and turn those baby steps into big fucking strides. The choice

I agree. I’m voting for Clinton because I like Clinton, but I like Sanders too - my only frustration with this election is that a lot of people who don’t know how our system works are making sweeping claims that have no basis in reality, and/or people who just learned how our system works within the last few months

Well, sure, but being a Democrat or being from a liberal household, obviously you wouldn’t want to go with a Republican. When I was in first grade in 1993, we had a mock election and I voted for Clinton. That doesn’t mean I was politically aware or knew anything at all about where I wanted the country to go, it means

Everything you say is true. I just think it’s going to be okay (with the serious caveat that “okay” depends on it being a Democrat in the executive). “Not being able to work with Congress” isn’t a damning indictment of Clinton or Sanders, because nobody could work with the current Congress - the current batch of GOP

The Iran deal, the Cuba deal, the decision to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees, the work done by Americans on the Paris Accords, the end of No Child Left Behind, as well as other things, have all happened in the last two years. The next Democrat won’t have the power brought by being a lame duck right away, but they can

This is tangential to your larger point, but I think about this a lot, and to be fair, in the moment they were voting in 2000, no one really knew what Bush was going to turn into. Bush was BUSH (Bush) because of everything that happened post 9/11. I remember 2000 and a bunch of people saying that they were “tired of

Or as if it matters at all. There’s not a lot they can pull out of the bag in terms of opposition that they didn’t try on Obama, and Obama got quite a lot done. So, whatever. Whichever Democrat wins would have the same problem, which has already been proven to be not-insurmountable.

You need to get a cat and a vibrator. Get your emotional and physical needs taken care of before you let them ruin your life!

All these people taking this as an opportunity to swing their dicks about ballet have clearly not heard “No one cares about your stupid hobby, Cynthia” enough in their lives.

Also, the article says she’s taken inspiration from Misty Copeland, but nowhere does it say that she thinks she’s capable of being on the same level as Misty Copeland. I can’t imagine she got out of her first few years of ballet without realizing that it’s a sport that you have to have a very rare combination of

I’ve been on the very edge of this delusional world (I thought we were “dating” he thought we were “sleeping together occasionally” for like 3 YEARS) and when it all came out I felt dumb as shit. Dumb. As. Shit. It was awful and while I’m over the actual situation I’m still not over how stupid I was. I can imagine