1llamarampage will write again

You know, I don’t look at the ISIS situation and think, “Yes, this is an arena that I want complicated by a bunch of too-smart-for-their-own-good amateur groups all working at cross-purposes,” but I guess this is an example of different strokes.

I’m not ashamed to say that I’m delighted by how the electoral process has broken this man.

If he didn’t minor in whining in undergrad, he was really throwing away credits.

She is totally gorgeous, no idea what it would take for a photographer to ruin that.

Viola looks ancient and her eye makeup is far too heavy.

I agree, in the long-shot and with my poor vision she’s a spitting image of ScarJo.

I used to love Pocket until I had to switch computers - when I re-downloaded Pocket, I didn’t get the toolbar drop-down menu that I used to. Now, the Pocket toolbar button only saves the current page to Pocket (it used to be Pocket added an icon to the URL bar, like the bookmark icon, that you clicked to add the

Pretending that the actor who auditioned for and accepted the role bears no responsibility is pretty ridiculous, too. It’d be ridiculous if he was a no-name just starting out who I could probably accept has to take what work they can get, and it reaches the stratosphere of absurdity when we’re talking about a

Cachet, but yes. Although in my field (international development) people seem likely to marry someone in the same realm, mostly because you need someone who will be willing to put up with the weird demands of the job.

The fact that this is insulting to Iowans is bad enough (bad optics and bad taste, two things I always try to steer clear of), but it shows you for even worse of a fool, since you clearly don’t understand the extent and limits to which the Iowa and New Hampshire first-in-the-nation events actually matter.

I can’t imagine what goes through someone’s mind when they think, “Here is a parent making sure that his 18 year old daughter doesn’t become the sole controller of nearly incomprehensible wealth at a tender age, when she has famous parents and is therefore vulnerable to the predations of the various entertainment

Her baby pictures were in the tabs like any other celebrity kid’s (I remember seeing them in the supermarket checkout), but it’s true that she’s been allowed to grow up and live her life away from the spotlight, and that’s great.

This is pretty standard. I received a much-smaller inheritance from one of my grandfathers that I was not in sole control of until I was 28.

That was my take-away - you can’t push O’Malley back on US, we got rid of him, you keep him!

Right. I’m actually still a pretty young voter (I’m 30). I’ve voted in every Congressional and Presidential election since I was old enough that I could, since I’ve spent years at a time out of the country. I also have an advanced degree in political science. There’s a lot I don’t know (I still don’t really 100%

Great, and in 2 years we’ll just fill all the Democratic Congressional and Senate seats up for re-election with Sanders and the other 21 people who voted with him, and make sure the Dems never have anything to say on a national scale again. Good thinking.

I have literally no idea which of my comments you’re replying to, but in any case, you’re gonna need to slap a citation on that claim.

If only we could get companies to accept the truth that many women are now beginning to see: that cock is abundant and low-value.

those other senators that voted for it need to go too BTW)

Okay, I’m going to ignore the demeaning language, and just point out that because someone isn’t liberal enough for your particular taste, doesn’t make them not a Democrat. You don’t have the power to make that claim, and when people make wild, unsupported claims, they get called crazy. I wish you all the joy of it.