1llamarampage will write again

I would be birthing cats, I’d be so mad. I’m busily conniving to figure out if the (male, just-graduated BA) new-hire who has the same job position as I do (female, just-graduated MA, more work experience) is making the same amount as me. If I was in your position I’d be through the roof.

It is important. However, Clinton’s big foreign policy experience took place after she’d voted on the Iraq war - she voted in 2002, and wouldn’t be Secetary of State until 2009. She had the same amount of insider information about Iraq as any other Senator making the vote - and most of the people in that position

Well, if it’s incomplete, I am not going to make it more complete by listening to his campaign promises, which he could sincerely believe but could also (and likely would) mean nothing once he has to face Congress. Once again, we have a voting record and nothing else substantive to look at - so that incomplete

Neither did I, but I was still aware of the key points being presented by the Bush administration in support of the project.

Well, if his official record is an inaccurate measure of assessment, what else am I meant to use? Campaign promises? At least a voting record is something he has done, not something he says he will do.

Not as weak as some conspiracy-theory false-flag bullshit, though. What, are you going to talk to me about plane contrails next? Because that’s how insane this sounds.

Well, we’re trying to have a national campaign here. I think it’s worth noting that it’s kind of dumb to set the bar for eligibility so high that you don’t have enough people left to be competitive afterwards, whether it’s intentional or not.

Yeah, the same person I was talking about above in response to Wisconsin was first like, Sanders does great in head-to-head polls against Trump, and then when I said that wasn’t important, brought up the single Wisconsin rally. When I said that wasn’t particularly meaningful either, he said, “Well, I can see you’re

Tell you what, you go ahead and treat everyone who voted for the Iraq war as an unelectable, undesirable politician, and get back to me when you see how far that group of 17 people led by Sanders gets you in national politics.

I am aware of that, but if we start using that as the one bar that everyone has to cross before they’re considered true or electable Democrats, we’re going to decimate our party. I don’t know how you feel about your nose, but I’m not a fan of cutting mine off to spite my face.

Sure, go for it.

I’m not saying that’s not an issue, but that is definitely not the sum total cause of that look.

For what it’s worth, the misogyny is a new element (new circa 2008), but I don’t feel like the level of vitriol is particularly new - it’s a difference in tone, not level. When you’ve got two fairly evenly-matched candidates I think that’s kind of bound to happen as people grasp for something to use to compare them.

If you listen exclusively to people who don’t want HRC to be the nominee, you will hear that she’s basically a Republican until the cows come home. If you look at her voting record, you hear another story - she and Sanders divided on some of the most important votes of our lifetime (the Iraq war support is a

For me, it’s not even the misogyny (bad enough, but I don’t expect better). It’s the way so many of them clearly don’t understand anything about politics. Like, someone on here was bragging about turnout at one of Sanders’ campaign events in Wisconsin, and I was like, “This is important why?” and they said, “Wisconsin

Randi, everyone is able to crawl into the sewer. The real trick is finding someone willing.

Okay, so I’ve never seen a Real Housewives episode (not judging, it’s just not my thing), so I did a quick Google image search to see who this person is... and nearly the entire first page of results are red carpet snaps where she’s making this absolutely tortured expression. She seriously looks like there’s someone

I call it the “I’m 13 in 1997, and I’m 5'9 and still growing. The in style is 70's-throwback bellbottoms and mudflap khakis, but pants in ‘long’ sizes aren’t going to be available for another 4 years. Everything I own is 2 inches too short to fit, and about 5 inches too short to be fashionable” look.

I love Lolita too. It’s one of the only pieces of culture that show me a male creator that really understands what it is that (certain) men do to women and girls. Humbert is his narrator, but that doesn’t mean Nabokov doesn’t find him violently repellent.

I DO look like that (roughly, plus a few pounds - but I’m tall and thin) and I would not be caught dead. Nothing looks more ridiculous than a tall woman in childish clothes, like she got hit with a curse and went to bed 10 years old and woke up 25. It’s the same reason I steer clear of cropped pants and 3/4 sleeves -