1llamarampage will write again

My office has a new coworker who moved to DC from Miami to take the job. She’s only been here a few months, never seen snow in her life, and of course now we’re going to have the fucking storm of the century or whatever the fuck. So she’s asking us all what to do to prepare, how to drive, whatever.

I haven’t been this happy since, um, 7 o’clock this morning, when the asshole who wouldn’t let me into the exit lane swooped right past me - and skidded right into a snowbank. Black ice. Untreated road. Instant comeuppance.

I reserve the right to punch anyone who sings Creed at me in the face. Which ought to be easy, given that they’re supposed to be maintaining eye contact the whole time.

My company certainly can, but my specific job duties aren’t the kind that can be done from home (mostly meeting prep/secretarial).

For what it’s worth, I’ve seen just as many people slipping and sliding all over the place the year I lived in Rhode Island (when they got 70 inches over the course of the winter, and actually declared a state of emergency at one point) as I ever have here in DC. The sole difference was that there, people liked to

Everyone wants to be the next Andrea Dworkin for reasons that I literally cannot comprehend.

I agree, but I got banned under my un-greyed account for getting salty with Jia (over something that Jia totally deserved to get flak for, FYI), and from what I can see, no one has been un-greying anyone on Jez or Gawker Original for at least a year. I’m in the black on Lifehacker, at least? *shrug*

I kind of forgot about what a nightmare the commute home must’ve been last night, because I was in before the snow started. The fact that people were still skidding around on semi-major roads that were completely untreated this morning is completely inexcusable.

I’ve lived here all 30 years I’ve been alive, bar 2. My statement is based on the number of people I saw driving into snowbanks trying to drive on untreated roads. It wasn’t exactly “comical.”

I live northeast of DC but work in northern VA - my commute this morning was 2.5 hours, and I kind of can’t believe the government didn’t give us a delayed opening today. I’ve already told my boss that tomorrow, I’m not coming in even if we’re open - I cannot get stuck on 495 in a blizzard with everyone else trying to

My exterminator uses diatomaceous earth as his first-line effort against bedbugs, so this is what’s going to be happening as soon as I can get all my stuff packed and ready for his team.

In fact, I can cite this handy 2006 study showing a link between access to pornography and a dramatic lessening of real-world sexual violence. Actually, there are studies that support all sides of this issue - though in my admittedly not-exhaustive survey, there tend to be more, and more recent, that support the

Let me lay some more awful on you:

I have bedbugs. Like, currently, right now. The day I figured it out, I bought two plastic mattress covers, wrapped them around the mattress and box spring, and got a courageous friend to help me drag them, and the bed frame, out to be picked up by the special trash guys.

Well, as I said, it’s not a match, it’s a flat 14% contribution. And I split my own contribution between my traditional 401(k) and a Roth 401(k) - we’re allowed to contribute to both under the investment bank my firm uses, so I’m paying some tax now, some later.

The only way these shirts are going to prevent domestic violence is by giving me a visual cue to which people are unrepentant assholes. Are the people who would choose to wear these shirts any more likely to be abusers than anyone else? Maybe not, but they’re literally never going to get close enough to me that I

Yeah. I’m lucky that I don’t need to stay in this job (which is not in my field and which I took as a stopgap). My best work-friend is stuck for at least the next 5 years, because as a single mom to 2 kids she can’t afford to add anything to her 401(k) other than what they give her, and can’t lose any of that.

The same thing happened to my grandfather courtesy of my great-grandmother. My mother always claimed this was why he didn’t eat chicken, but he swore that going to architects’ convention meetings with terrible chicken entrees was the culprit.

In all seriousness, I’m logging onto my company’s investing website and nudging my 401(k) contribution up by 1% because of this comment. My company has an insane contribution plan (14% of my income is put into my 401(k) each pay period by my company, whether I contribute or not), so I’ve been skating by on a

My company’s 401(k) provider just started offering a Roth 401(k) option (that works just like a Roth IRA) late last year. You might look into whoever your company’s using for this, it’s becoming an increasingly popular option. Plus, if you can split your contributions like I can, you can have the added security of