1llamarampage will write again

And yet, somehow, not nearly enough to get me to sit down and listen to Ron Paul.

I DO love JLaw, but I look at her Oscar for Silver Linings Playbook as the ultimate proof of that theory that they’ll pass someone up for their true masterpiece (in her case, Winter’s Bone), realize they’ve fucked it all up, and then try to fix it by giving them a statuette for a pretty mediocre project. Silver

I’m just repeating to myself, over and over, “Stephen Fry is only 58, Stephen Fry is only 58.” Still, I’d like him to stay inside and under cover for at least a week.

All I can say is that I’m praying that Stephen Fry remains safe indoors for at least the next few days.

Bitch, Jesus would flip some fucking tables. Jesus wept for the death of good people. When people started twisting religion for their own gain, Jesus freaked the fuck out.

I don’t understand how so many people read the Bible so fervently without picking up this very crucial, incontrovertible piece of information. Like, we can argue about what Jesus said (and what, among the things “Jesus said” Jesus actually said, vs. what was put in by helpful compilers and scribes), but there’s

I don’t know which generation you’re imagining I belong to, but I think I covered this scenario with: “It’s kind of the opposite of unlikely, but by the same token, the source is the opposite of unimpeachable.”

They announced they were taking a “hiatus” in August, which has just started - they still had a long run of concerts and promotions to finish up. Today, US Weekly is publishing information from an unnamed “source close to the band” that the break is going to be permanent.

Right? I can’t imagine buying an expensive sphere of mold-prone and rash-causing product. I’ve never used one, but I’d imagine the packaging design means a lot of product waste as well.

Phryne Fisher is the one who, every time I see her, tries to take me on a Personal Hat-buying Odyssey. Thus far, reason has prevailed and I have not bought any of the many, many 20's-vintage and 80's-does-20's-revival hats on eBay. One day, however, I may not be so strong.

All I know is that if I were in this woman’s shoes, the only thing that could make being brutally raped worse is having it also include the loss of my beloved father. I’d rather be raped and get to still have a dad than the hugely most-likely alternative outcome, of having my dad killed in front of me and then still

Get a sprayer attachment, like the ones on many kitchen sinks, hooked up to your toilet’s water supply. They’re common throughout the Middle East and north Africa, and I can tell you from experience that the pressure is sufficient to clean the area. When I was in Sudan, I never felt the need to wipe as well as use the

He dropped out in October, which means this post is at least 3 months past its best-before date. There’s some noise that he might try an independent run, but I think we all know that’s just not going to happen.

Remember when it was Frowned Upon to use the comments section on these posts to be all “Lol who dis?” about less-known celebrities? It’s not super-cute to be seeing it in the posts themselves. Google is your friend, and, much like reading only non-white-male authors, don’t bother telling us you’re doing it.

If You Are Kind, People Will Know You’re From Minnesota - self-hating mantra spouted by all NYC transplants before they start the day. Remember to scowl!

I love the Gawkerverse, but any time that love starts to blind me to the fact that the staff is almost totally made up of Brooklyn-by-way-of-the-Midwest hipsters who only like things when they’re “obscure” and never quite got out of the middle school habit of hating everything on principle, they make sure to remind me.

It’s kind of comforting when someone manages to confirm all your prejudices, including ones you weren’t consciously aware of having.

I’ve from Maryland, a state that legitimately could have joined the Confederacy (didn’t, but could have). I never saw a Confederate flag on anything growing up, until I went to college in Rhode Island. Those New Englanders are inordinately proud of the revolution they were in, and, apparently, really thirsty to be a

There was a fanfic posted in the last few months with that as a title, and the definition included in the author’s notes. If it wasn’t for that, I’d have had to look it up, too.

Gaslighting is a pretty strong term to use for a conversational style used primarily by the confused and incompetent.