1llamarampage will write again

Right. Recreational weed isn’t a hill I’m willing to die on anyway (or expend approximately any energy trying to summit), but especially given the fact that the cards appear to be on the table regardless, I find it particularly difficult to get heated up about.These are stupid, regressive opinions, sure, but they’re

There is nothing I love more than someone who compares two incomparable things, and then turns on their conversational partner when they try to engage, demanding why they’re comparing those two incomparable things.

Round of fucking applause for this woman who made one very brave and very difficult choice - to keep fucking fighting for herself and others. I can’t imagine how many times she must have wanted to give up, and I can’t imagine what it took to keep going for five years of invasive and vitriolic processing to get this

I feel like UK TV shows are different from anything the US produces in the sense of age and size representation- I watch the UK Office and think the cast looks a hell of a lot more like my actual officemates than the US Office does. Lots of British actresses (Olivia Colman, Jessica Hynes, Miranda Hart, etc.) seem to

The Saudification of Islamic practice is a problem even in Muslim countries - I’ve lived in Sudan as well, and plenty of people opt for the regional traditional clothes (thoub), which are a lot less covering and restrictive than an abaya, and developed as a fashion naturally from the particular climate and

They certainly look boring enough to be Brad and Janet in the beginning, but I have serious doubts that they’re going to be able to carry off the transformation they undergo throughout.

And I love you but hate your wrong opinions about the obvious greatness that was the Anna Karenina movie. :x Ah well. Differences of opinion make good horse races (as long as one of them doesn’t leap over the proscenium and fucking crush you).

There’s always some confusion in my head, because Channel Four shows things I like, like sex and violence, but BBC 4 shows things I like, like history documentaries hosted by Lucy Worsley.

“Like that gorgeous Anna Karenina movie but actually it’s a different Tolstoy epic!” Done. I’m sold. Say no more.

The single oath I ever took was to treat every pizza as a personal pizza. I’ve never backed down on that oath.

Exactly. Laverne Cox isn’t hurting for work. If she tried out for and accepted this role, it’s because she wanted it, and if she wanted it, I’m not the person to say she shouldn’t have it.

With almost no waiting time in airports, it took me 21 hours to get from Khartoum to DC - and it would’ve taken a hell of a lot less if money hadn’t been an object. I went Khartoum-Cairo-Dubai-DC, but Khartoum-Cairo-London-DC would’ve been about half as long. Looking at the 1914 map, I see that just the first three

Oh c’mon, it’s kind of endearing how this person has only been alive on the internet for 2 and a half minutes, and already they’re engaging with the natives. Points for effort to them, and 7 hours of mandatory Tumblr reading to get them up to speed.

I support this theory. My mother is a registered Democrat and has voted with the party line in every election, but her personal views are getting more and more virulently conservative, propelled by her Facebook feed, filled with ex-cops, -paramedics, and -firefighters, who overlap heavily with the

Despite his lack of aggressive mug-rattling, he’s still pulling in donations. And he’s been running a very low-cost campaign - t-shirts and town hall appearances don’t cost that much, and he hasn’t had to spend a dime on traditional media ads, because the media has been giving him all the airtime he could want for

Congratulations on successfully identifying the joke. If you keep on like this, 2016 is going to be a banner year for you.

The first installment was so good! The second one bothered me deeply, and here’s why:

The best part is, he’s too arrogant to quit, and has raised more money than any GOP candidate but Cruz, so it’s going to take a while for basic economics to run its course and force him out, so he’s going to stay weirding up the candidate pool and keeping this from turning into a normal election. I doubt Trump is

The older I get, the more I appreciate these opportunities for either disaster or adventure to enter my life. They are less frequent than they used to be, but more cherished.

I’m going to a party thrown by two college friends who got married to each other. They’re going to try and have a baby in the new year, so this may be their last opportunity to drink irresponsibly for a while. To honor that, we’re doing a power hour - we did one once in college and it was awful, but this time we’re