1llamarampage will write again

I dunno, bro, I think this was well-worth the $3.62 after taxes and a moldy Triscuit.

His most-popular show is literally just “oh, that thing you make really well? I can make it better. Let me come show your whole hometown how much better I, a professional chef am than you, an amateur” which leads me to 100% believe that he was the kid who was universally hated in school, not for being smart, but for

I’m with you. If there was anything worth finding, it’d get found anyway, and if there’s nothing to find, like there wasn’t in the last dump, they’ve still made a story out of the sneakiness.

Someone wake me if they find anything, I’m still snoozing from the last time they did this and it turns out there was nothing much there to talk about. It’s been a long nap and I’ve started to develop bed sores.

Watching this, I’m thinking if it WAS a conspiracy, everyone involved is lucky he pulled it off, and didn’t read the names in the correct order by accident.

Yes, but it’s rare enough that I even remember that Monaco exists that the number of times I remember it has a monarchy is vanishingly small.

Someone above mentioned that a lot more people were probably producing their own eggs from backyard chickens, which may be true, but this fun article I found lays out some of the technological advances that have made eggs much cheaper in the modern era.

It’s weird especially because diarrhea is still pretty dangerous for babies and young children, but back in the day there were bacteria running around that could cause otherwise-healthy grown men to shit themselves to death. At least one king of England died that way, to my knowledge. (I only remembered Edward I, but

Every once in a while, I learn that a completely unexpected country still has a royal family, and am entertained by this knowledge.

I want to agree with you, but the OED seems to think that the version of “nonplussed” meaning “unperturbed” is strictly North American usage, while the rest of the world is taking it in almost the opposite meaning, as “confused,” so I’m not really ready to take either side in this one. It’s the inflammable debate all

I honestly wonder if this company also makes mosque alarm clocks and got their supplies mixed up. Sad for the person who wants their clock to prepare them for a time of thoughtful meditation and instead gets all keyed up with war noises.

Does the same company also make those alarm clocks shaped like mosques that play the call to prayer as an alarm? My dad got me one of those in Saudi Arabia and it’s honestly one of my prized possessions. I could see how the little sound chips for both might get mixed up by accident.

One of my students in Czech Republic told me that when his father was born at home in the late 40’s, he was premature, so they put him in the oven, turned to its lowest setting, with the door open.

When I was about 16, my mother had a massive heart attack, died, was brought back to life by a quick paramedic armed with an AED, and spent 2 weeks in the hospital recuperating. I was a weird, alienated, depressive kid, and having a parent near death wasn’t helping. One of my mother’s nurses took a shine to me, and we

Would you chip in for the cost of Miley’s coffin, because Nicki would fucking kill her with a single blow, like my cat does when ants get in the house.

I honestly believe he’s just too stupid and damaged to understand responsibilities and obligations and how his actions have the potential to cause harm than others. And, personally, I think it’s worse to be that stupid than to just be conniving and evil.

For serious, I don’t even like Times Square when I’m just trying to get through it from the BoltBus stop to the subway. What about standing there for a long time, in the cold, surrounded by strangers, with no alcohol and no bathrooms, sounds fun to anyone?

Right? If you’re trying to be a “real” band that’s “not just for girls,” forming because you all went to the same Christian high school and then citing Creed and Nickleback as influences is just... it’s just doing it wrong on the most basic level.

One year, I was planning to go up to Brooklyn for NYE. I’m from DC. A fellow DC-dwelling friend of mine who shares the same group of NYC friends with me was like, hey, we should go to TImes Square for New Year’s!

Also, he sleeps on the couch. But did he fuck on the couch? No sir, he did not. He fucked on my friend’s bed.