1llamarampage will write again

I know, right? I wouldn’t even abandon those kids in a fire, and a) that’s a situation in which it is kind of reasonable to be every-man-for-himself, and b) they aren’t my kids! This guy abandoned his own children to go pick up a fuckbuddy!

As someone who has been the recipient of an unsolicited wanking video, I can tell you exactly what one does in one of those - try to hold the camera steady while mostly shooting footage of the carpet & feet.

In answer to your question, yes, and to make a further point, head-to-head polling is literally meaningless at this point.

I’m encouraging her to kick him out when she gets home tonight (that’s right - she’s been up since yesterday afternoon, worked her seasonal job, drove 4 hours across state lines to get back in time to work her real job, and came home to find this mess). The douchebag can live in his car (that she pays insurance on)

Late entry, but I feel the need to tip my hat to my best friends’ soon-to-be-ex-husband, who has been living in her house and on her dime because he moved here after her to “be with the kids,” but neglected to get a job or finish his M.A. first. Friend came back at 6 this morning from her second, seasonal job that she

My father designed his own wedding band, a braid of yellow, white, and red gold. The first time he tried it on, he couldn’t get it back off - it had to be cut off his finger. They got the band repaired, but he’s never worn it since.

Right? Don’t take your rings off in public - problem solved. If you’re not about to be performing surgery, there’s no reason to be so thorough that you lose your thousand-dollar engagement ring or whatever.

Well, the dog you took in is in a home, and if it’s not her forever home at least you’ll find her a home to live in that isn’t a lab. At least she didn’t have to undergo invasive medical procedures for no reason other than human selfishness. At least she’s being cared for with love and kindness now, and will be in the

The worst part is, these people are causing unnecessary pain and suffering to the surrogate dog, who is living in a lab in South Korea, just so they can get their special dog. You can’t claim to be a lover of dogs if you are okay with creating dog-suffering to get what you want.

This would’ve been really funny if your mom had a heart attack and you didn’t call 911 because you’d been told not to.

It’s almost like throwing every dollar into military spending to the point where education budgets get slashed nationally in the richest country the world has ever known, and convincing people that their deeply-held religious beliefs are under fire from anyone with more than an associate degree so they should distrust

Exactly. Everyone thinks I don’t like Bernie (untrue) because I keep trying to prepare them for the reality that he’s not getting the nomination. I think the pie-in-the-sky, just-woke-up-to-politics-yesterday crowd’s insistence that he’s doing really really well and is still in with a chance is going to turn into a

The fact is, now that people are unlikely to die of acute diseases like TB and the plague, and are even growing less likely to die in accidents of various sorts, most of us are eventually going to die of long-term, chronic, creeping conditions like diabetes and heart disease. The question of how untimely those deaths

On NPR, they interviewed a lady who had only become insured because of the passing of Medicare expansion, who voted for this virulently anti-Medicare asshole because she cared more about having someone anti-gay marriage and anti-abortion than having someone who would look out for her own obvious self-interests in the

Congratulations, you have successfully identified the joke.

Just one of the many and varied benefits of the general population deciding the Italians can be white now, and the Catholics maybe aren’t all Papist spies hellbent on our destruction.

That’s unfair. The man clearly doesn’t even have eyes, how can you expect him to smile with them?

Weirdly, the 6-pointed star is more prevalent in some places (North Africa, central Europe) leading to some weird cognitive dissonance when I’ve seen what I read as a Jewish symbol in places where I wouldn’t expect there to be many or any Jews.

I loved my credit union, but eventually had to switch to a proper bank as my main financial institution, because they were just falling too far into the dark ages. When I was getting ready to travel to the UK, and asked my credit union if they were likely to roll out chip-enabled debit or credit cards, they told me

People who’ve had relatively few serious struggles in their lives have almost no means of discerning between “this won’t be easy!” and “this is functionally impossible,” so it’s hard to explain to them how sometimes, no amount of bootstrapping or unbelievable good luck is going to add up to one actual plan for how to