1llamarampage will write again

I definitely want to watch this show, now, but it is really weird to me that she has advanced enough syphilis to have lost her nose, but doesn’t have any of the other obvious deformations that would usually also be present at that stage. Perhaps I am truly splitting too many hairs, though.

Right? Is that not weird? Are “village elders,” whatever the fuck that means, not usually considered the real believers in tradition and the status quo?

Also, you should know that I’m an actual crazy person, and the claim that NPR doesn’t have a lot of women bothered me. So I went through this list of People at NPR, and did some quick math, and am glad to tell you that 41% of people at NPR, according to the list, are women. Give or take, I may have missed or

Leila Fadul. Windsor Johnston. Eleanor Beardsley. Ophira Eisenberg. Just saying their names gives me a bit of a shiver, they’re so pleasant to say.

So true. I have a friend gearing up for a divorce from a truly lackluster human being (2 kids, struggling to pay the bills, she just found out that homeboy spent $90 of her money (he hasn’t had a job in 6 months) on alcohol because his fee-fees were hurt when his MA thesis defense didn’t go well). She’s been so angry

Rookie mistake. You never make the spelling/grammar correction until the editing time on Kinja has passed.

That bit where you’re screeching about looking into the void but not becoming the void is just so cool, you know? That Nietzsche really got it.

Mine is the one where your nose rots off. Because once you’ve reached that stage, you’re really in the club, you know? You’re committed. All other syphilis-havers are really just posers.

I have nothing against her personally, I just think that in this instance, a serious 30 second think on the matter would have told her that approaching the subject this way comes off as bitter and mean-spirited for no reason.

I did not like being a child. None of the problems I’ve had to deal with as an adult (and there’s been quite a few) have ever been worse than the feelings of helplessness and hopelessness I frequently felt as a child.

I have depression, although thankfully I haven’t had a bout of serious depression in a year or two. And one of the most painful things about it for me (and I’m betting for many others) was the way it took me back to basically being a helpless child. I did not like being a child. I want to be an adult. And sometimes

100% of Republicans are Mac from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, thinking there’s no problem that can’t be solved with an inept roundhouse kick that fails to meet its target, so long as you brag about your “skills” for 3 minutes first.

Can you imagine if your friends’ group just suddenly all started acting like this? Would you assume everyone had had sneak lobotomies performed on them, or would you instead believe that you had died and gone directly to the lowest level of hell?

Don’t forget, she also hates abortions!

This is exactly why I’m thinking that they actually do, on some level, care who’s getting elected, and are more interested in making sure that there’s a female viable candidate in each party, rather than just not-caring which set of ovaries gets to sit in the President chair.

If I can be honest with you, I would substantially prefer to take a deep whiff of a stranger’s ass-gas than listen to one more second of Donald Trump saying literally anything.

The fact that the Muslims we already have tend to be able to integrate fairly well into American society (compared to Europe, especially) is a big part of why terror groups have been comparatively unsuccessful in radicalizing people from the U.S., and the ones they have managed have generally been very young. Frankly,

When I was in Prague, at Christmastime, men in Krampus costumes would walk about the town square in plastic chains and dragging sacks with like, a plastic child’s limb poking out of it. Very disconcerting, even as an adult.

I mean, yeah, if your sole research on the subject is a quick reading of Jane Eyre. St. John was never popular as a first name - at least, not popular enough to crack the top 1,000 in any spelling variant over the last 100 years.

Farts are, by comparison, pleasant and reasonable things to repeatedly unleash on national television.