1llamarampage will write again

They played a bit of the soundtrack from the concert on NPR this morning, and I was openly weeping during my morning commute. This happens often, as I always listen to NPR, and as of late the news has frequently been heartbreaking. At least this time they were happy tears.

Well, if it was purely a qualifications thing, we wouldn’t be talking about it at all, any more than we’re talking about any other community college appointment. The fact is that if you make yourself infamous, there are repercussions - Monica Lewinsky has similarly found it difficult to find employment, and what she

Even that, though, would be a struggle. She’s so recognizable now, and has a name that people will recognize. No business would ever hire her for something as simple as a job sending out e-mails - eventually someone would notice the name in the .sig file and be upset.

Now if only she’d pull back on the bronzer as well.

It was, but I can’t imagine any college that could countenance hiring her. Can you imagine the pushback?


Sure. I’ll get right out there and let the subsistence farmers and poor island-dwellers to go fuck themselves so that you and that other guy can cook on a gas stove.

I for one cannot wait to read the scintillating comments from all the greatest minds of our era, about how cultural plagiarism is actually helping the people it steals from, because it gets their work out there to a wider audience.

“Fuck the millions of people who live 6 feet or less above sea level - electric stoves are amateur hour! What good are their lives and livelihoods if I can’t cook exactly like my favorite wank-muse, Ina Garten?”

As the article says, it’s not about what they’re afraid to catch from you, it’s a courtesy to you so you won’t catch anything from them.

I wish the surgical mask-wearing when sick would catch on here in the US. I hate having a runny nose, and if it was acceptable to do so, I would stuff wads of tissue in each nostril and then hide the fact that I had done so behind a surgical mask every time I got sick.

Basically, anyone who cares anything at all about the clock and not the belittled and humiliated child is showing themselves as either mentally incompetent (because um, that’s the least important part of this story by several orders of magnitude) or willfully stupid (if I can distract everyone into arguing about the

Yes, because nothing says “smart” like paying 12-20x the going rate of the same or better education in Europe or Asia.

Depends on the school. I went to my best friend’s 5 year reunion, and had my own 10 year reunion canceled for lack of interest.

That is ALWAYS my victory. I swear, the day I realized that sometimes I don’t have to argue with people, because reality will be proving me right in short order, was the day my life changed for the better.

Even the first one, it’s like, “Fuck you, Dove, you don’t know me! I give terrible advice!”

I feel it can be read another way, like “My work and I are so important to so many people, most of whom I can never personally know, and that is weird.”

This is no surprise to anyone who, like me, knows someone who makes a hobby of pasting Dove chocolate wrappers on poster board because they love the affirmations inside.

That’s... not what the article is about? It’s specifically and loudly about unplanned pregnancies that lead to wanted children,

They don’t have jury trials (and they dispensed with those for very good reasons). If the outcome of a trial depends on the opinions of one man, it makes a lot more sense to make it easier to re-try than if you had a verdict reached through the consensus of 12 people.