1llamarampage will write again

I regularly get two meals a day over the course of two or three days, about once a month. I work in an organization that has a lot of volunteers coming in and doing stuff for us, and the higher-ups like to treat the volunteers right. That means fancy catered breakfasts and lunches, which after the outsiders have had

Also, France has 31 privately-owned guns per 100 citizens - they have strict ownership laws, but they aren’t restrictive to responsible, safe gun owners, which is why they’re #11 in the world in terms of private gun ownership. Lots of French people have guns. But part of that “responsible, safe” situation means that

My closest-friend coworker and I do, but the people in my office generally do not. It makes me so angry, particularly since I think the higher-ups are looking to hire the (male) intern on permanently, and I damn well want to know what he’s making (He has a BA, I have an MA and have been here longer, I want to be

I don’t know if you’re trying to be sarcastic or not, but if you are, it’s pretty funny, because everything you said is literally true.

How about T-BAGL? We get the Asexuals back in, it sounds a bit like “teabag” (funny) and references that scene in Community when Britta is getting kind of high-and-mighty about living in New York for a few months but doesn’t know how to pronounce “bagel” (also funny).

To be fair we live in DC, which has both a huge Muslim community and a residential group that, if not more informed than anyone else, is at least well-practiced in ignoring what anyone beyond themselves is doing. She’s had some mean things said and some absolutely vile looks thrown her way, but nothing where she

I always appreciate it when people I don’t want to share a train car with manage to announce that fact from 20 feet away.

Pastafarianism is like the guy you know (or at least I know, I assume everybody knows one) who keeps repackaging and re-telling jokes that you first thought were funny back in high school, but have worn a little thin since. Like “Power corrupts, knowledge is power, study hard, be evil” - cute, but not a great as when

Right? The day I’m not mildly shitting myself over whether someone is going to say or do something mean or worse to my hijab-wearing bestie might be the day I’m prepared to find humor in this. Unfortunately, today is the first weekday after a very public ISIS attack, so I’m shitting myself and do not think this is

I would like to know what her Tumblr username is so that I can more studiously avoid it.

I’m afraid MD, and many other blue-with-a-red-governor states, are going to go this same way. This is why elections other than the presidential matter!

Now I want to start a competing campaign to get the T moved to the front of the acronym - TBLG has a nice ring to it, and would help keep it front-of-mind that as a community, we are only as accepted as our most-mariginalized members.

I feel the same about Holy Grail. By the time I saw it, I had been working tech at my high school theater for 3 years. Basically the whole movie is unconnected scenes that I knew by heart already because everyone around me had been quoting them at random for that whole span of time.

The most dog-shit covered city I’ve ever been in was Belfast. Lovely city, great people - absolutely covered in dog shit, every inch.

I am regularly grateful for living in a civilization that keeps me from allowing my own worst instincts to take control.

I for one am taking bets on how many more days it’ll take before Trump just loses the plot completely, slips and calls Carson the n-word like you know he wants to.

The European hedgehog, which is the kind that’s pictured, is in fact native to the UK, as well as most of the rest of western Europe.

It's not only not a joke, it's as close to a consensus opinion as is possible in a field like archaeology. So, sorry to burst your bubble built on the Bible or Disney movies or whatever, but the idea that the pyramids were built by slave labor hasn't been current since before I was born.

Cute but untrue. The pyramids weren’t built by slaves, and were more likely either volunteers, or they did a stint working on the pyramids because it was considered part of the loyalty that they owed to aristocrats.

To be fair, stealing shit was pretty much the way it was made great in the first place, so why not try it again?